Chapter 5

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Jose had been watching his boss, with the woman he now knew was Marlena, for the last two days, looking for a moment when he might be able to speak with her without suspicion. Ever since the ISA had approached him at his home, offering him more money than he could ever imagine, he had been watching their interactions. It was risky, but the ISA had offered him enough money to take care of his family, and enough to send his children to whatever school they wished. Rudolpho paid him barely enough to survive, and kept him working for him using fear tactics.

As he watched them together, he could see now that whatever Rudolpho's relationship was with her, she did not want his touch. He hadn't ever paid much mind, he'd simply gone about his job, and tried to stay out of the way. As Rudolpho touched her, her body tensed, and flinched. On the outside, Rudolpho seemed caring, considerate... as if her welfare was his sole concern, but there was something else there, if one cared to look. Jose was only saddened that he never had before. The way the man's eyes tightened at the corners, the way he would lean close, and whisper in her ear, causing her face to fall. She would go from being beautiful in her silent defiance of him, to a crushed, and broken woman. He'd seen it over and over in the last two days. Those small, almost imperceptible changes only solidified his decision to help her. He continued trimming the bushes, in the hope of finding a moment to speak with her.

Stefano leaned closer to Marlena, stroking the length of her arm, "You will join me tonight in my room. It is not a request."

She felt the bile rise up, as his breath wafted over her neck, and he breathed deeply of her scent, a combination of vanilla and plumeria that he had made especially for her. Closing her eyes she thought of Avi's hugs, waking up with Hope, and Roman's arms around her. Anything to take her away from that moment.

Stefano whispered, "You are exquisite, Lena."

She stepped away from him, glancing toward where Hope and Avi napped under the frangipani tree. The soft breeze pushed the strongly perfumed france of its flowers across her face, and she had to push away the nausea. She'd never be able to go somewhere tropical for the rest of her life if she escaped there. "I can't tonight," she said quietly, hoping and praying that he would accept her answer. "I'm not feeling well."

"As I stated, it is not a request," he said forcefully, leaning closer, and invading her personal space. His fingers wrapped around her upper arm, digging into the soft flesh. His sour breath hit her nose, "I want you in my bed, Lena. You are the only woman I have ever craved this much. I dream of your soft skin, and your hair twisted in my fist. It amazes me that I have yet to tire of you. Your body inflames me."

Marlena forced herself not to recoil from his touch, saying quietly, "I'm on my period right now. I really can't."

Stefano smiled at her like a predator stalking his prey. He released her arm from his hold, and trailed his fingers down over her shoulder, and along the plane of her spine. "That has never deterred me before, my queen. You know that." His body almost shivered as he thought about it. Taking her into his bed when she so obviously didn't want it gave him a sort of thrill he didn't understand. It was the same feeling he had when he'd taken Rachel Blake into his bed all those years before. Every time he stared into her eyes, and saw a little less light, his desire grew more ardent. Wanting to see the panic in Marlena's eyes, he said ominously, "Lena, I should tell you that I have been looking at boarding schools for your dear Avi. He's nearing the age to start school, isn't he?"

"No! He's barely five, Stefano. He would still be in preschool. You can't do that! I'm his mother," she said, her fingers reaching for his beefy arm. "You can't take him away from me!" she begged him. "You know—you know, he's all I've got!"

He stared at her with unfeeling, beady eyes. "I'll let you have dinner with the boy, and put him to bed, but I expect you in my suite no later than 9:30 pm," Stefano told her, leaning down to kiss her softly on the cheek. "Do you understand?"

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