Chapter 28

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The loft was empty. Bo and Hope were finishing up their packing on The Fancy Face, and Shawn D and Avi were having a sleepover with Shawn and Caroline. Avi's first sleepover outside of their little blended family. They'd only allowed it, because Roman was on a secret ISA mission on the other side of the world. It was why the custody hearing had been postponed, and it was why the move into the big house, as the boys had been calling it, was going to take place the following day.

Marlena sat on the couch, her back resting against John's chest. She was enjoying this quiet time with him. The solitude, and the chance to explore more of what she wanted from their relationship. The past week had seen Marlena conquering her fears, and tackling the aftermath in therapy with Kim. John's kisses, and his soft touches...every single night, closer and closer to what she ultimately wanted.

Marlena tipped her face up to look at John, "Do you think the children are driving Shawn and Caroline crazy?"

"They've got Carrie," John laughed, as if that was enough.

Marlena smiled, "They've also have four grandkids under the age of ten."

"Kim said she would check on them." John stared at the column of her neck, pushing her blonde hair back. Slowly he traced his finger over her skin. "I had an idea... something I wanted to try tonight."

She shivered slightly, already feeling her body react to him. She wanted so badly for them to move past the kissing and the touching. It was amazing. It was everything she wanted, but she felt she was ready for something more, and she was too scared to suggest it. Even if she did, what would she suggest? She and John used to play in dark ways, and while she dreamt of it and even craved it during her waking hours, she couldn't be sure she was ready for it. Kim had suggested that Marlena ask John about going back to the stop light system. She'd been thinking about it all day. Softly she asked, "Did you?"

"I did. It involves a blindfold, and a few other things," he murmured. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her firmly against him. A soft tickle of his breath wafted over her ear. "Do you trust me?"

How could she be so aroused by mere words? Her body shivered again, and she whispered, "I trust you." She wanted whatever he was offering, however he offered it.

"Let's go upstairs." His voice was rough, laced through with desire. Marlena's wide hazel eyes stared up at him, and he saw that she wanted the same thing he wanted. Connection. He leaned down, kissing her lips softly. "You're sure?"

"I'm sure," she breathed. Another tremble shook her. "I'm sure." Kissing him once more, Marlena stood up, reaching for John's hand. The muscles of her abdomen shook. His eyes roamed over her body. She wanted him.

They walked towards the stairs, and John waited for Marlena to go in front of him. He couldn't stop himself from holding onto her hips as they ascended. The gentle sway of her body underneath his palms was torture. When they reached the top of the stairs, he pushed her against the wall with a soft thud. Staring down at her, he said, "We will not make love tonight."

A small whimper escaped her as she stared up at him. The heat of his body held her in place, as she gasped, "Kim said I should ask you–"

John smiled, planting his palms on either side of her head, "Why... are we talking about Kim?"

"The stop light system." Marlena felt her words coming out stuttered just like her thoughts. "She said I should ask."

"Okay," he said slowly. "What do you want tonight, baby?"

His eyes were almost black staring down at her. His jaw tensed. His whole body was tense against her. Her fingers danced across his jaw. Almost a whisper, her breath caressing John's lips, she said, "I want you. Tell me what to do. I trust you... I trust you, John."

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