Chapter 1

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"Miss Setsuna! Time to get up today is your first day of school." A maid said I stood up and looked in the mirror. Setsuna Akumu that's my name my sad horrific name. Half of my head had had medium lengthened platinum blond hair while the other half was shaved. I had bright blue eyes and thick eyelashes. I stood up and let out a sigh I walked to my dresser and grabbed my new uniform I looked at the male uniform and let out a sigh I refused to wear a dress so they gave me this I looked at it in disgust. I decided to keep the suit jacket open and rolled up the sleeves to my elbows and slid on ten bracelets on each wrist. I then clipped on my black lip ring and my nose stud.

After that I walked to the bathroom and put in my contacts one that made my right I eye turquoise and my left eye silver. Once that was done I applied a small am out of eyeliner and mascara. At that I walked down stairs and to my limo.

"Good morning Miss Setsuna." The limo driver said I nodded.

"I took the liberty of putting you school bag and guitar in the car." He said.

"Thank you." I said my voice scratchy. Not long after we made it to my school I quietly walked to the office and collected my schedule.

"Excuse me but Miss Setsuna but don't you think you stick out a bit." The lady said I just shook my head and walked to my first class. I simply knocked on the door.

"Enter." I heard a female voice say I sighed and walked in everyone began whispering and stared at me wide eyed and confused.

"W-well c-class t-today we have a n-new s-student can you introduce yourself?" I asked her eyes caught my tall boots that had buckles and laces on the side.

"I'm Setsuna Akumu." I said and sat in the empty seat in the back.

"She's such a freak."

"She's scary looking."

"Ew what's with her hair?"

"She looks really creepy." I let out a sigh and looked to my left to see a boy with blond hair holding a pink bunny how old is he? Next him there was another boy he was tall and had black hair. Just as I was about to look away the blond turned and looked at me.

"Hi I'm Honey and this is Usa-chan!" He said happily.

"Hi I'm Setsuna." I said.

"Oh and this is my cousin Takashi! But you can call him Mori." He said I nodded and waved.

"Honey don't speak to her do your work." Mori ordered I got an angered look and turned away from him I let my hair cover one of my eyes not long after the bell rang I quite loudly stood up and stormed out of the room. I pulled out my schedule and saw it was time for club activities me being new I didn't have a club so I wondered around until I accidentally bumped into a girl.

"Sorry." She looked at me wide eyed and let out high pitched scream.

"It touched me!" She screamed and everyone I mean everyone ran out to see what was going on.

"I-I said I was sorry." I said everyone began moving closer I started hyperventilating. I saw an opening I ran through the crowd as fast as I could until I tripped it started get hard to breath I began panicking I started patting my pockets I was at the point were I couldn't breath at all. Just then a group of boys came around the corner including Honey and Mori. A boy with glasses pushed up his glasses. I began looking around frantically where is it.

"Looking for this?" One of the redheads said holding up my inhaler. I quickly grabbed it and brought it to my mouth then pushed the button. I inhaled I felt my airways open I gently moved my inhaler away.

"Thank you." I said greatfully I held my chest and took a deep breath. I gently stood up and bowed.

"Thank you. I'm sorry." I said and began running away once more. Until I found myself in an old club room it was empty. I let tears fall as I placed my back to the door and slid to the floor. I hate this I miss my mom, dad, big brother, little sister I'm sorry I can't handle this anymore I don't know if I can stay any longer.

(At the host club)
"That girl is creepy who is she Kyoya?" Hikaru asked latching onto his brothers arm. Kyoya sighed and opened his black book.

"Her name is Setsuna Akumu. Her family was incharge of Akumu incorporating an inventing and testing industry. Her family is.... deceased." He said slowly.

"What!? What happened to them?" Tamaki asked.

"It seams there was an accident at one of the testing facilities. Her mother, father, and older brother were inside. And her sister died of leukemia a type of cancer. She's all that's left after all of this happened she changed her apearance. Wow she looks like a totally different person." Kyoya said everyone then crowded around the book. In the picture was a smiling girl with mesmerizing blue eyes and silky blond platinum blond hair that fell to her waist. She was in a tight fitting blue t-shirt.

"Woah." They all said.

"Wait that's not all she has asthma and sheen been in the hospital for...." Kyoya started.

"For what?" Mori asked.

"For attempt of suicide." Kyoya finished. Haruhi had a look of terror on her face Mori's eyes widened as him and Honey ran out of the door.

(Back to Setsuna)

"I'm sorry mom." I said as I sobbed into my hands. I stood up and slowly walked to the center of the room and placed my guitar on the tabled tears continued to fall. Just then the door burst open. I quickly turned to see Mori with Honey riding on his back.

"What do you want?" I said softly hiding in the darkness of the room.

"Takashi wanted to say he's sorry." Honey said.

"Leave me alone please." I said and tuned away.

"Wait please come with us we wanna talk to you." Honey said and before I could say a word Mori threw me over his shoulder....

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