Chapter 7

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"M-Mori? Haruhi? Kyoya?" I spoke why dose my hand hurt? Why was Mori straddling me?! I felt heat rise to my face.

"How are you feeling?" Kyoya asked I felt rage boil inside of me.

"What the hell are you doing here I requested one simple thing to leave me alone!" I screamed just then the rest of the host came in.

"Oh great all of you are here! Go away I don't want to see you any of you! " I screamed.

"Calm down! Maybe if you wouldn't jump to conclusions you would know Kyoya wasn't done speaking he was defending you!" Haruhi shouted my eyes widened.

"What?"I said in astonishment.

"Yeah one of out old guest came in and was saying the only reason you were with the club was because we felt bad for you. What I was going to say was you are now a valued member of the host club." Kyoya explained I felt my stomach drop Oh man I feel like crap I'm a terrible person. I did the only thing I could think of I hugged Kyoya.

"I'm so sorry I had no idea I'm sorry for everything." I said at that I let go of him and backed up to look at them.

"I'm sorry if I would have known I wouldn't have made such a big deal about it no need to forgive me but I'd like to prove how sorry I am." I said twiddling my fingers I then noticed the bandage.

"It's fine." I cut Tamaki off.

"No it's not I blacked out I threw things at you Christ I even punched through a window." I said feeling terrible about everything.

"Well you could." Kaoru started.

"Dress and act like a girl tomorrow!" Hikaoru finished my eyes widened Aw crap of all things.

"Okay but I need to go shopping then." I said sinking down slightly.

"Oh and you have to wear a flower in your hair." Honey cheered.

"And." I cut Tamaki off by pressing my hand to his mouth.

"Don't push it pretty boy." I said he quickly nodded. I sighed and pulled out my phone I called a carpenter and my staff.

"Okay well I'm going to go shopping." I said in a horrified tone.

"Wait there's no school tomorrow yes!" I cheered.

"That's true it's but you have to spend time with all of us anyways." Honey said happily I sighed and walked to my room and changed into my normal clothing. A blue sweater, black skinny jeans, and my favorite red convers. I walked back down stairs everyone was still there.

"I'm leaving." I said and grabbed the keys to my black Ferrari. They all just stood there I sighed.

"Does anyone want to come with me?" I asked in an annoyed tone. All of them began arguing.

"Haruhi you can come. Uh Honey you and Mori can come too." I said and walked out of my house with them following while the rest slowly walked to a limo.

"So if you all want enough room room I'd say Mori would sit in the passenger seat and Haruhi and Honey you could sit in the back but that's only if you want enough leg room I said with a shrug.

"Alright these are my babies my Ferrari is the black one." I said.

"What are the other ones?" Haruhi asked.

"The red one with tinted windows is my charger. The other red one is my mustang." I said as we all climbed into my car. Mori Sat next to me while Honey and Haruhi sat in the back.

"So we're are we going?" She asked.

"Eh just a random mall." I said and we began driving the whole time we listened to music until we got there.

The first store we went to I bought Haruhi something's but although she said no I did any ways. After that we found a store with things the twins mother had designed I unfortunately couldn't find very many thing I really liked but I still bought some. We went to one more store then left the first stop was Haruhi's house.

"See ya thanks for the new clothes." She said and waved.

"No problem see ya." I said and began driving.

"So who lives closer?" I asked.

"Takashi dose! Hey can I look at some of the clothes you picked out?" He asked.

"Sure I don't care." I said I noticed him and Mori glancing at each other.

"Okay Mori see you tomorrow." I said he nodded and before he got out of the car he ruffled Honey's hair and left.

"Okay you can sit up front sweetly." I said he cheered and crawled up front as we took off once more.

"You know Takashi talks about you." Honey giggled.

"Oh does he now?"

"Yeah I think he likes you."

"Yeah right."

"No really he's never talked about anyone."

"Oh but still."

"He told me."

"T-told you what?" Honey looked up at me and smiled.

"He kissed you." He giggled I felt heat rise to my face I blushed in embarrassment.

"Okay uh your home Hon see you tomorrow." I said he nodded and left the car.

(The next day)

Oh God I feel so weird this really sucks I hope they don't show up I really do. Just then there was a knock at my door I gulped.

"Miss its your handsome friends from the host club." My maid cheered I gulped and walked downstairs and to the hallway I peeked my head around the corner. Just then I felt someone push me out of my hiding spot.

"Come on miss don't keep them waiting."

"Oh come on Sebastian, don't be rude you know I hate wearing girly clothes." I said in horror accidentally getting the host attention. Their jaws dropped as I quickly dusted myself off.

"Uh Hi guys." I said in an embarrassed tone.

"Wow Setsu Chan you look so pretty!" Honey cheered.

"Wow look at my beautiful daughter!" Tamaki cheered.

"Tamaki I'm older than you." I dead panned he paused.

"Wow you clean up nice." Kyoya said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said coldly.

"Come on let's go." The twins said in unison. I began walking out the door I noticed Mori walk next to me.

"You look nice." He said and continued walking. I blushed and continued on to the limo.....

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