Chapter 2

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"Hey put me down! What about my guitar!? Hey what the hell!" I shouted and began pounding on his back.

"Stop squirming I don't wanna drop you." His deep voice said.

"We're back!" Honey cheered as he opened the door to a club room with my guitar bouncing on his back.

"Please be careful with that Honey!" I said quickly. Just then I was plopped down on a couch. I quickly looked around and saw those boys from befor.

"Hello." A brown haired girl said.

"Uh hi you know I thought I would be the only girl to refuse the girl uniform." I said everyone looked at me wide eyed.

"How did you know?!" They all shouted.

"Well your eyes are pretty feminine along with your figure you weren't exactly built like a boy." I answered.

"Oh most people think I'm a boy because of my hair and......" She trailed off.

"Because of your hair um have you seen mine I think mine is shorter Hon." I said and ran my fingers throughout the long part of my hair.

"Please don't tell anyone!" The twins shouted I just nodded and looked at Mori.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked cracking my neck. They all looked at me in disgust.

"We first let's introduce ourselves to this uh princess." A tall blonde boy said.

"Eh no don't call me that I draw the line." I said they all looked at me in astonishment.

"Oh in okay. This is the cool type Kyoya. The devilish type Kaoru and Hikaoru. The natural type Haruhi. The boy Lolita Honey. The strong silent type Mori. Or perhaps me Tamaki the prince type?" He asked as stroked my chin I slapped his hand away and glared.

"I'm not interested I'm not into the whole fangriling over boys."


"What do you want?" I asked getting annoyed.

"W-well we uh we..." Tamaki trailed off.

"Well if you don't want anything I'll be leaving." I said I then stood up and grabbed my guitar I then threw it over my shoulder.

"Wait you can play guitar correct?" Kyoya asked.

"Nope I carry it around for decoration....duh." I said my voice dripping with sarcasm he shot a glare my way.

"How would you like to be the host clubs entertainment?" He asked.

"I would hate it. People wouldn't let me play for them shoot I accidentally bumped into a girl and she started screaming her head off." I said and slowly began walking to the door. I felt someone grab my writs I turned turn see the twins.

"What!?" I barked.

"We aren't letting you leave until you agree." They said.

"No I don't want to be in your host club!" I yelled.

"Then your not leaving." They said just then my cell phone rang. I sighed and shook my way out of there grip and answered.


"Hello miss Akumu um we have a bit of a problem you see some one is trying to hack into our main frame."


"Yes I'm afraid so oh no!"

"Ahh crap I'll be there in a moment!" I shouted and hung up I then ran to the door. Right as I was about to open it I was pulled away.

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