Chapter 5

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"Mori what are you doing?" I asked. He just moved closer to me. Heat rose to my cheeks what's going on? Before I could say anything else he wrapped his arms around my waits and pulled me into a hug.

"What are you doing?" I asked flustered. He pulled away and he had a faint smile on his face. With out a word he just left my room and closed the door behind him.

(Three weeks later)

"Setsuna? Do you ever miss Sweden?" Honey asked its closing time for the host club.

"Oh well yeah some times." I said over the past three weeks I really opened up to the host club Mori won't stop glancing at me I don't know why either it's weird.

"Alright time for club pictures!" Tamaki cheered. All of the host got into position I stood by the door.

"Setsuna what are you doing get over here." Honey said I smile.

"Sweetheart I'm not a host." I said.

"Come get in the picture." Mori insisted.

"Get in here you definitely belong here." Tamaki said I smile and quickly nodded. I slowly walked over to then Mori grabbed my wrist and pulled me by his side I blushed and felt fluttering in my stomach. I smiled as the camera flashed.

"See not so bad." Mori said I just smiled and nodded.

"Mitskuni time to go." He said Honey smiled and hugged my waist.

"Bye Takashi, bye Setsu Chan." He cheered and ran to his limo.

"Setsuna did you bring your car today?" Mori asked.

"Hm? Uh yeah why? You wanna ride?" I asked.

"Sure." Was all he said I smiled and grabbed his arm and began pulling him to my car.

"Come on its over here." I giggled as we approached my cherry red Ferrari.

"I thought you drove a mustang."

"I do but I also drive a Ferrari and a Charger." I explained as I opened my door he slid into the passenger side.

"How far away is your house from the school?" I asked as I started the car.

"Pretty far. Why?" He asked.

"I need to get my hair cut the left side got to long so I'm just gonna cut the right side off as well. See it's past my ear." I explained in s bright mood.

"I have time."

"What no I'm not gonna drag you to my hairstylist that would be rude."

"I don't mind there's nothing for me to do there anyways." He spoke man I've never heard him talk this much.

"W-well okay. " I said and started driving.

"Do you wanna listen to music?" I asked he just started messing writhe the stereo until he got to my CDs I blushed as rock music started playing.

"If you want you can change the CD or put it on the radio." I said he then reached under the seat and browsed my CDs until he found my USA CD collection.

"The beetles? Why do you have english music?" He questioned.

"Oh well you see I uh my dad's a sister moved to America so she used to send me music I've actually grown to like it." I said embarrassed.

"I see may I?" He asked I nodded and he slid in my Skillet CD. The song comatose began playing I began singing along as we rode down the street. We finally got to Hannie's salon.

"See that's not bad music is it?" I said as we exited the car.

"It was good." He said I felt heat rise to my face as he held open the door for me.

(Le one haircut later)

I took a close look at my new hair cut I now had bangs in the front while it was just a little bit shorter in the back. I let out a breath and stepped into the waiting room only to see Mori looking in a fashion magazine I held back a laugh.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled his eyes snapped up as he quickly put down the magazine and walked towards me.

"It looks nice." He said.

"Thanks well let's get you home." I said with a smile as we walked to my car once more.

"Wait do you have a license?" I asked he simply nodded.

"You wanna drive my baby?" I asked.

"I guess." He said I threw him the keys and got in. The car ride was long but I was just singing along with the stereo. Pretty soon He pulled up to a large mansion I turned and looked at him.

"Thank that was nice." He said I smiled.

"Yeah see you later." I said just then our eyes made contact he began slowly leaning closer to me. Our lips connected my eyes widened but I gradually kissed back. Just then realization hit us we quickly pulled apart.

"Uh I'll uh see you in school." I said.

"Yeah bye." He said and quickly left my car. Holy crap I just kiss a host, a boy that tons if girls Whoo over, I just kissed Takashi Morinozuka what am I gonna do its like wait like do I like Mori is that what the feeling is? Oh my gosh no I have a crush on a host!!!...

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