Chapter 9

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"Setsuna what's your favorite kind of fireworks?"

"Well uh I would say bottle rockets. What are your favorite ones Takashi?" I asked he just shrugged just then my phone rang.


"Miss Akumu we have a problem the parts that you ordered still haven't arrived from China!"

"Well track them."

"That's the thing the tracking system is down!"

"Calm down get one of the helicopters to fly over."

"Ma'am we already sent one out!"

"Stop yelling! Jeez umm okay how much of a difference will it make if the parts are late!"

"Well not much."

"See now you had it all under control you didn't have to call a yell in my ear." I said and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Sorry ma'am uh bye."

"Bye." I said and hung up.

"What was that about Rose chan?" Honey asked.

"Oh one of my employees was worried about some of the parts I ordered being late." I answered he nodded and ran over to Haruhi. Just then the show started. I felt a smile creep onto my face and a red one expounded across the sky. I sat cross legged on the ground I put my hands at my sides to prop me up. I felt a hand on top of mine I glanced down and saw a large hand my heart skipped a beat when I realized it was Mori he probably didn't notice so I turned me attention back to the sky.

"Hey Setsuna your blushing." Kaoru whispered in ear I roiled my eyes and pushed him away.


"Yeah what is it Takashi?" I asked flustered.

"You dropped this." He said and handed me my inhaler I took it greatfully and took a puff off of it.

"Thanks." I said I felt a cold breeze blow I began shivering but I tried my best to hide it.

"Are you cold?" Takashi asked I looked at him.

"No I'm fine." I lied.

"Your shivering." He dead panned I shrugged and looked down the knew I felt warmth. I looked to see Mori had wrapped his hoodie around me I simply took it and slid it on over my dressings because he was so much digger than me it fell an three inches above my knees.

"Thanks Takashi." I said.

"Yeah." He said I continued to watch the fireworks it was now the finally green,red,blue,silver,and gold exploded across the sky.

"Its so pretty." I spoke in a mesmerized tone.

"Well everyone it's time to go." Kyoya said everyone got up and slowly walked to the limo.

"So stops will go, Haruhi, Tamaki, Setsuna, the twins, me Mori,and Honey." Kyoya said I shrugged and got in the limo.

"Oh here Takashi thanks again." I said and handed him his sweater.

(The next day)

"I'm here." I said and walked into the host club with my guitar handy.

"Actually you won't be playing guitar today." Tamaki said.

"Well what am I supposed to do?"

"Its just a meeting today." He said I nodded and pulled out a change of clothes.

"If that's the case I'll be right back." I said and walked into the changing room and put on my usual clothes. I then walked out into the main room.

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