Chapter 6

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"Oh no I'm late!" I shouted as I ran through the halls. I found the club room and heard talking I gently pressed my ear to the door.

"The only reason Setsuna was here was because we felt bad for her. She tried too....." I cut Kyoya off by opening the door tears brimmed my eyes. I ran past him a grabbed my spare guitar abd walked to the door.

"For a minute I thought someone care. For a moment I felt like I belonged. But now I know I was wrong." I said as began running away.

"Setsuna!!!" I heard Honey shout.

"Wait!" Mori screamed. I didn't look back I just kept running I felt tears fly off my face. I ran to my car I sat there for a moment and began sobbing I saw Mori running out of the school he was coming my way I felt my heart shatter as I slammed my foot on the gas I drove off.

(Mori's pov)

"Setsuna!" I shouted as her car drove away. No what have we done to her. What's this feeling in my chest...regret? No what is it.

"T-Takashi." I turned and saw Mitskuni crying.

"What is it Mitskuni?" I asked ad he hugged my torso.

"Will Stesu be okay? I don't want he to be hurt!" He cried.

"I suppose she should have heard the rest of what I had to say." Kyoya said I felt my stomach drop.

"I'm going to check on her." I insisted.

"We're coming too." Tamaki shouted. At that we all piled into a limo and drove off. Everyone was silent except for Honey whom was sobbing into my chest.

"I hope she's okay." Haruhi said looking extremely depressed.

"She was always so lonely. None of us could understand what she's gone through." One of the twins said.

"She was even more lonely then us." The other twin finished. Just then we pulled up to the house. We all ran to the door a knocked. A small maid answered the door.

"Is Setsuna home?!" Tamaki shouted.

"She's not seeing any one right now." The maid said and closed the door. Just then we heard shouting and screaming and out of nowhere a picture frame shattered the glasses of a window while also breaking the frame as it hit the ground.

"Get out or here you jerks!" Setsuna shouted from the window she then punched out another window. Blood stained the glass as it fell.

"Get away!" She screamed.

"Miss calm down!"

"No stay away front go away! You can't touch me now!" She screamed and broke down sobbing. Everyone had now began trying to open the door. Soon after all of the staff ran out of the house.

"Just leave her alone right now!" Her butler shouted to us. I looked to the ground and saw the host club picture on the ground the glass and frame shattered. Setsuna...

(Setsuna's pov)

I'm so stupid. To think anyone would like me or even tolerate me. I thought they did but it was all out of pity. I hate them I thought as I quickly used my inhaler and colapsed on my bed. I them I hate everyone and everything.

(Three days later back to Mori's pov)

"T-Takashi I'm worried about her she hasn't been here in three days." Honey said picking at his cake.

"Honey don't get so upset about her okay it's not like she was really part of the club." One of our guest spoke I clenched my fist.

"Mitskuni I'm going to see if she's okay." I stated.

"Then I'm coming too." He insisted and jumped onto my back. At that I hurried out of the school. From there we had the driver take us to her house. As we approached the yard I noticed the windows were still broken the whole placed was dark. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I then kicked it down I heard a faint sobbing.

"Takashi it's spooky in here." Honey said as I placed him on his feet.

"Wait here." I instructed and quietly walked up the stairs. I followed the sound until I was at the room I quietly opened the door as I peeked in my eyes widened. Setsuna was laying on the floor sobbing there was glass scattered all around just then blood caught my eye her fist hadn't been mended no bandages or anything their were still pieces of glass in her hand.

"Honey call the rest of the host." I shouted down the stairs. While I rushed into the room.

"G-g-go away." She said shakilly and began coughing. I rushed to her sidenote and pulled her into my chest. I felt her opposite hand grip my shirt.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry." I said and began stroking her hair. At that I picked her up and carried her downstairs. Just as the host walked in the door I set her on the couch.

"Let Mori, Haruhi, and I get this the rest of you wait in the other room." Kyoya ordered as everyone else walked into the opposite room while Kyoya grabbed small first aid kit from his bag.

"Shouldn't we call 911?!" Haruhi asked.

"Its not bad simple home remedies will be fine." Kyoya stated mater of factly and Haruhi sighed and quickly pulled out tweezers.

"You will be pulling out the glass." Kyoya finished.

"Why me?"

"So we can keep her still." I said a held her shoulders in place while Kyoya gripped her ankles.

"Wait why do you need to hold her down?" Haruhi questioned.

"Last time she was sent to the hospital was fro when she broke her wrist. It took twelve people to get her in the ambulance. Her wrist bone was almost popping out of the skin so before they could do anything they had to rebreak it she knocked out six doctor's and two nurses. Also it took eighteen extremely strong doctors to hold in place long enough yo give her a sedative." Kyoya spoke to think she has this much strength.

"Okay." Haruhi said in a terrified tone. She slowly pulled out a large glass fragment causing Setsuna to yelp and begin kicking twitching. Haruhi quickly pulled out another one this time she yelped and kicked Kyoya in the stomach he gasped and fell to the ground. At this I put all of my weight on her shoulders while leaned over her and used my legs to keep her from kicking.

"Oww stop!" She yelped as Haruhi pulled the last one out she relaxed a bit. The Haruhi pulled out the alcohol swabs this can't be good. I thought as Haruhi began wiping her hand clean she hissed and started resisting again.

"Are you okay Kyoya?!" I shouted.

"Just give me a moment." He said still catching his breath.

"Ow it hurts!" She shouted just then Haruhi finished and began bandageing. He hand she relaxed just as Kyoya stood up holding his stomach. Setsuna opened her eyes and her face turned beat red my eyes slightly widened as I realized I was straddling her I quickly got off as heat rose to my face. Oh boy....,,

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