Chapter 4

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"Jeez it's hot." I said as we walked out to the beach.

"Oh come on its not that bad." Kaoru said. I just shrugged and placed my towle down I then stabbed my umbrella into the ground.

"You need to take out your piercings or they'll get infected." Kyoya said.

"Yeah whatever." I said and sat down. I then removed my piercings and contacts I let out a sigh and laied down.

"You know if your so hot then take off your sweat pants and sweat shirt." Kyoya said I shrugged and pulled off my sweater and sweat pants leaving me in my as much as I hate it my blue bikini top and my short black shorts. I blushed and looked at the ground.

"Wow Setsu- chan you look so pretty!" Honey said with a smile I noticed the twins and Tamaki starring at me. I blushed and stood up.

"Haruhi do you need help?" I asked she shook her head and all the boys took off doing whatever. I pulled out my sunscreen and began rubbing it on my skin I started having difficulties once I got to my back.

"Here." My eyes widened as I felt Mori place a hand on my back and began rubbing in the sunscreen.

"Uh t-thanks." I said as he finished heat rose to my face.

"No problem aren't you going to swim?" He said.

"No I'm good." I said just then he stood up.

"See ya." I said and laied down I slowly drifted of to sleep...

"Ahh a bug!!!" I heard a girl scream I immediately stood up and ran over to Haruhi. Just as I reached them she picked up the bug.

"Hold on I wanna see!" I said in a somewhat happy tone she turned and handed it to me I took it and messed with it for a second before throwing it.

"Okay I'm going back to my napping towel." I said and walked over to my towel and laied down once more.

"Hey Setsuna can you come with us?" I heard Hikaoru say. I grumbled ans stomped over to them. After that the boys were being weird. First the twins tried scaring me and with a fake hand. Then Mori pointed a spear in our faces Honey locked in the back of a truck for abit.

"This is dumb." I said and walked to my towel and sat down. Just then I heard Haruhi yelling I looked up and saw some guy holding Haruhi over the edge of the cliff my eyes widened. I bolted up there I saw two of our guest being harassed I punched the guy in the face. Just then Haruhi was dropped off the cliff I ran over just as Tamaki jumped in after her.

"Haruhi!" I shouted as I got close to the edge. I noticed Tamaki swimming to shore with her in his arm. The next thing I new I heard a crack I quickly looked down just as the cliff broke off. I let out a scream of terror just as I hit the water. I tried my best to stay at the surface but I began sinking and panicking I accidentally breathed in water but right before I could black out completely I saw a large hand reach out and grad my wrist.

The next thing I knew I was out of the water. I was wrapped in strong arms I began coughing I felt water come out of my mouth. There was something warm on my lips this time I sat up my eyes wide and coughed up tons of water. I felt tears spilling from my eyes. My lungs were tight they hurt so bad. Before anything else Kyoya quickly shoved my inhaler to my lips I took it and pressed the button.

"Thank you." I weazed.

"You should be thanking Mori senpai he's the one that jumped in and saved you he also gave you CPR." Kyoya said my eyes widened heat rose to my face I turned and looked at him.

"Thank you I'm greatful." I said.

"Its fine." He said and nodded I then tried to stand up I wobbled and almost fell. Be for Mori caught me he tuned his head and whispered in my ear.

"Your afraid of water aren't you?"

"No just deep water." I whispered he then picked me up and we all walked inside.

"Kyoya where's Setsuna's room so I can take her there?" Mori asked Kyoya looked at me in an odd way.

"Third door to the right down the first hallway your room is the one just across from hers." Kyoya said and pushed up his glasses. Mori nodded and began walking.

"Mori I think I can walk now." I said he stopped and I gently stepped onto the floor. I took five steps and wobbled I placed my hand in the wall for balance and continued walking.

"Are you okay?" Mori asked.

"Yeah I'll be okay. Thank you for everything." I said he just nodded and we continued walking until I got to my room.

"See ya for dinner." I said Mori just nodded as I walked into my room and shut the door. I showered and quickly dried my hair right now my part was off so it looked like I had a normal hair cut. I just shrugged and changed into my favorite seafoam sweater and my favorite black yoga pants. As I walked out I bumped into Tamaki.

"Oh sorry." He said.

"Its alright." I said and we began walking to the dining room.

"How's your hand?" He asked.

"Him oh it's fine I really didn't punch the guy all that hard."

"You broke his nose." He said in a scared tone. I just shrugged and we walked into the dining room only for Tamaki to sit in his emo corner.

"Wow Setsuna you hair looks normal!" Honey said and ran over I leaned down just in time for Honey Kaoru and Hikaoru to mess with my hair until I was back to the way I usually keep it.

"There you now you look pretty with out all of your piercings." Koaru said.

"Uh thank?" I said just then Haruhi walked in and she was wearing a dress. As the boys surrounded her and began speaking to her I walked to the table and took a seat. Soon Honey sat on one side of me while Mori sat on the other side. Everyone began eating I noticed Haruhi had a huge pile of crab legs and she was breaking them with her bare hands. Not long after Tamaki stormed out of the room Haruhi's stomach had a break down if you know what I mean. So after that I simply walked to my room it's thundering out I've always loved thunder it helps me sleep.

"So you figured it out?" Is that Kyoya? I pressed my ear against the door and listened.

"Yeah she's hydrophobic." Mori said.

"I see no wonder she didn't want to come."

"Yeah. I'm gonna go check on her." My eyes widened as I quickly stood up and moved away from the door. Just then he knocked.

"Come in." I said as the door opened revealing Mori.

"Hey Mori what's up?"

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked in a strange tone of voice.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thank you again." I said. Just when I though the was gonna leave the room He walked in and closed the door.....

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