Chapter 10

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I quickly booked it to the club room with a huge box of stuff I couldn't see where I was going and ran right into Honey he started crying.

"Oh my god I'm sorry Hon are you okay!" I said and practically yanked him into a hug. Just the Mori ran out.

"What happened?" He asked quickly I looked up and let out a sigh.

"It was my fault I didn't see him." I said and put Honey on my shoulders. Just when I was about to grab the box Mori picked it up.

"I've got it Rose." He said I nodded and we entered the club room once inside Takashi took Mitskuni and calmed him down while I began helping Tamaki get into his dress.

"How does it feel?"

"It's really tight." He said I let out a laugh.

"Well beauty is pain." I said and began stuffing the breast area with tissues.


"Okay keep stuffing I'll be back!" I shouted I soon had everyone in there dresses all that was left was getting Takashi into his suit. I stood outside of the dressing room.

"Dose it fit well I had to put it together last minute." I said just then there was a tearing sound.

"Shoot." I heard him say.

"What ripped can I come in?" I asked quickly I was then pulled in. I quickly inspected his suit the was a rip in the side of the jacket. I pulled out a needle and thread and began sewing.

"I should have taken your chest measurements." I said with a sigh.

"Wait did you sew all off these?" He asked.

"I did yours Honey's and Tamaki's my maid stayed up with me all night to help with the other ones." I admitted.

"But you did all of this with out measurements that's impressive." He said I smiled.

"Thanks there now let's get the feathers on you." I said and began strapping them on.

"How's your nose?" He asked.

"Its alright it's bruised a little but I'm okay." I said with a sigh.

"Does it hurt?"


"I see but did you sleep at all?"

"No but that's okay it's for Haruhi. There your done." I said and yawned.
"Setsuna are you gonna put anything on?"

"No not today." I said and yawned again. At that we left the room and walked to the main room. Everyone got into position while I layed sat on the couch and closed my eyes I began zoning out until I felt weight on my lap. My eyes shot open only to see that girl on my lap again.

"Hey there." She said in a seductive tone I felt pressure on my lungs my breathing thinned I panicked and started patting my pockets.

"Hey what wrong?!" She shouted.

"C-can't in-haler..." I choked out the pain intensified I felt dizzy. Just then the Takashi practically shoved it in my face.

"Thanks." I said as the girl got off.

"You need to stop losing it." He said.

"Yeah sorry." I said just then the girl kissed my cheek and took off running I began wiping my cheek.

"I was never gonna leave." I heard Haruhi say.

"So all my work was for nothing." I sighed and closed my eyes I felt weight next to me on the couch I didn't care I slowly drifted off.

(Third person pov)

The young blonde drifted off not realizing that she was now leaning on the tall boys shoulder. The emotionless boy smirked and laied her down across his lap.

"Takashi..." Setsuna whispered in her sleep. Takashi looked at her surprise a few moments later he saw a small tear run down her face.

"Helana.." She mumbled more tears slipped out.

"Setsuna wake up." He said she shot up and breathed heavily.

(Setsuna's pov)

"Are you alright?" Takashi asked.

"Yeah I'm uh okay." I said and ran my fingers through my hair I felt my white bandanna fall out. As I was about to grab it I felt my hair being moved and someone tie it in I turned Takashi released my hair.

"Thank you it seams like your always helping me. Is there anything I can do to help I owe you?" I said he looked at me and shook his head.

"Come on there has to be something." I said he thought for a moment and nodded.

"Come with me." He said and pulled me up we walked to the dressing rooms. He probably wants the feathers off I sighed and walked behind him and quickly pulled them off.

"There is that more comfortab-." I was cut off my him kissing me. My eyes widened my heart rate increased felt myself melt into the kiss. I began kissing back he put his hands on my waist I ran my fingers through his black hair. He pulled away quickly and let go of me.

"W-what was that for?" I asked in shock he didn't answer he just looked me in the eyes and put something in my hand. I started opening it as he walked into the other room all the note said was.

'8:30 dress nice see you later.' I got confused I shrugged and put it in my pocket. I walked out of the room to see everyone but Kyoya and Tamaki's left.

"Hey guys." I said sleepily.

"So what were you and Mori senpai doing?" Tamaki asked I sighed.

"I was helping him get the feathers off." I said and yawned.

"I'm off I'll see you guys later have a good night." I said and left once I got home I took a nap I woke up at seven o'clock. I quickly jumped up up and had the maids help me put extensions in my hair while I did my makeup after that I slid on a long white dress. Just then the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and answered the door. Takashi was standing there in a black suit with a blue rose in hand.

"Hi." I said he handed me the rose.

"Hi." He said as I handed it to a maid. Before I could question any further Takashi put his arm around me and led me to a limo.

"You look beautiful." He said I blushed and looked at him.

"Thank you." I said wait oh God is this a date?!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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