Chapter 3

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I quickly turned and saw the entire host club and even some of the customers. My eyes widened I quickly whipped the tears away. I saw Kyoya smirk and get an evil look on his face.

"That song was Helena you played that at your sister's funeral. She loved that song didn't she? Am I right Setsuna?" I felt more tears glide down my cheeks. I felt rage burn inside of me.

"Of course you weren't there when she died you were in a business meeting. You had to watch it on video." I felt my legs give out I sobbed into my hands.

"And your sister had list her hair that's why you've shaved the left side of your head. Not only that you were silver contacts to remind you of your brother and your piercings the lip ring represents your mom and the other represents your father it was thier favorite colors." He finished.

"Stop it!" I screamed and stood up. I then ran at him and punched him in the face.

"Why do you do these things to me? Do you enjoy my sorrow? Do you thrive off my pain? Does it make you feel better about yourself?" I sobbed.

"Setsuna? I never would have thought.." One of the girls trailed off. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed and shook off Kyoya's hand. I let out a pained cry and ran out of the door. But before I reached the exit someone grabbed my wrist and pull me into a hug. At this moment I didn't care I cried into this person's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Helena." I whined and gripped on to the persons uniform.

"Will she be okay?" I heard Honey say from a distance.

"Yeah." So it's Mori I'm hugging.

"Kyoya why would you say all of that stuff it's not easy to deal with things like that!" Haruhi said.

"You'll thank me later." He said at that I began coughing and once more I couldn't breath. Mori released me and have me my inhaler. I great fully took it.

"I'm sorry." I said and looked at Mori.

"What about Kyoya you punched him?" Koaru and Hikaoru said in unison.

"I'm not apologizing to the shadow king." I said and whipped the tears away.

"Hey Setsuna are you okay?" Haruhi asked and walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I said and looked to the ground. I felt arms wrap around me I looked to see everyone but Kyoya and Mori I looked down and saw Honey hugging waist he had tears in his eyes. Once ever one relesed me I leaned down and placed my hands on Honey's shoulders.

"You alright sweetheart?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Please when your sad or if you need someone to talk to please come to one of us!" He pleaded my eyes widened. I looked around everyone smiled and nodded at me. I cracked a real genuine smile.


"Promise?" He asked I picked him up and smiled.

"I promise." I said and twirled him in a circle he let out a giggled I smiled and placed him on Mori's shoulders.

"Don't hesitate to call." Mori said at that I felt someone pull my phone out of my pocket.

"Hey Hikaoru give it back!" I said he began typing. At that I snatched my phone back.

"What we were just putting numbers in." They said.

"Oh well clubs are over we should all head home." I said they nodded as I walked out to my Ford mustang. I like to bring my own car sometimes. I slowly began driving I smiled and took down the sunroof. Not far ahead I saw Tamaki pestering Haruhi about giving her a ride I pulled up.

"Haruhi need a lift?" I asked she looked at me greatfully and practically ran over and sat in the passenger seat.

"Thanks." She said.

"No problem." I said and took off driving.

"So where do you live?"

"Please don't tell the guys." She said I simply nodded and drove her to her house. I soon pulled up to her apartment it was actually pretty nice.

"Thanks a lot Setsuna."

"Hey no problem Haruhi. Do you have a license?" I asked in a kind tone.

"No sorry."

"Hey that's alright but if you need a ride to school tomorrow I'll drop by." I said and placed sunglasses on my face.

"Thanks that would be great." She said I smiled and nodded. At that drove away and back to my house. As I walked through the door I was greeted by one of my maids.

"Hello Miss Akumu welcome home how was school?"

"It was alright May." I said and walked up the steps to my room. I immediately stripped out of my uniform and put on a seafoam tanktop and baggy black shorts. I took out my contacts and piercings. At that I ran a brush through my blonde hair I let out a sigh I really didn't look much like my family. I walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"Miss if your hungry I can get you something." My butler Sebastian said.

"No I've got it, it's nice to do things on my own." I said as I walked to the freezer and grabbed a large tub of strawberry and chocolate ice cream. Once I got my bowl of ice cream I marched to the living room and put my favorite show on. I took a bite and heard the door bell ring I set down my bowl.

"I've got it!" I shouted and walked to the door and opened it.

"Wow Setsu-chan you look pretty with out all of that stuff on!" My eyes widened.

"H-Hi Honey hi Mori What are you doing here?" I asked shocked

"Wow you look so cute why don't you dress like this all the time!" He cheered and literally squeezed past Mori picked me up and began spinning me in circles.

"Ah help me!" I shouted just then Mori picked me up then placed me back on my feet.

"Thank you uh come on in and we can talk." I said and led them to the living room. Once again I sat down I picked up my bowl as everyone sat next to me.

"Oh can I have some!" Honey cheered.

"Sebastian! We have guest can you bring out..." I glanced at them Tamaki nodded while Mori shrugged.

"Three bowls of ice cream!" I shouted not long after he walked out with a platter. He gently placed each one down on the table.

"So what do you guys need?" I asked and took a bite.

"Kyoya is bring everyone to a private beach do you wanna come with?" Tamaki asked hopefully.

"I don't know I'm not a fan off beaches." I said taking another small bite.

"Oh come on please!" Honey begged he had the most adorable look on his face.

"Uh I-I okay....fine." I said.

"Yay!" Tamaki and Honey cheered Mori had the faintest smile. I shouldn't have agreed huh?

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