Chapter 1: We're not in Camden Anymore

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It was cloudy day in Camden town as the pups were paying in the park... well mostly reeking havioc at the park while Charlie is shown laying down in the grass by himself.

"Such a wonderful life." He said with a sigh when suddenly Dolly landed on top of him, "Ow, Dolly?!"

"Sorry bro gotta catch those frisbees!" Dolly said with excitement.

"Yo Dolly heads up!" Fergus could be heard as another trash can lid went flying over both Dolly and Charlies head.

"I got it!" She yelled out jumping off of Charlie and racing off after the trash can lid.

"Typically teenage dog." Charlie huffed as he suddenly felt a tug on his side, he turned over to see Dorothy the littlest one out of all of them with a smile on her face, "Well hello Dorothy." He said picking her up getting her to giggle, "Who's a cute puppy, that's you, yes you are." He said, baby talking to her getting her to giggle suddenly the same frisbee was thrown over Charlies head, thankfully he managed to duck down covering Dorothy, "Dolly!" He yelled to which she ran by.

"Sorry bro!" She yelled out.

"You almost hit your youngest sister!" He yelled getting Dolly to stopped.

"Oh I didn't see her in your hands." She explained to which Charlie just sighed. He then looked up to see the clouds getting darker and darker.

"Oh uh hey, pups, Pups!" He called out getting everyone's attention, looks like a storm is brewing, we better hurry back to home." He said to which Dolly groaned.

"Man, guess I better get going."

"Alright see ya around Dolly." Fergus waved to her as all the pups rushed out of the park. As Charlie followed the pups back to home he could see Dolly sulking.

"You alright Dolly?"

"Oh I've been better."

"You sure, wanna talk about it?" Charlie asked.

"Look bro, I don't know, does that answer your question?" She asked facing him with anger.

"Technically no, but alright you didn't have to get angry at me." Charlie said which Dolly sighed in response.

"Sorry... just I've been really getting bugged lately."

"Oh really, well whatever it is I'm sure it will pass." Charlie said as they reached the house.

"I hope so." Dolly mumbled to herself as they entered the house together.

Small Time Later
Dolly was shown laying on her back simply looking up to the sky deep in thought before Dylan came over.

"You alright?" He asked to which Dolly simply rolled her eyes and rolled over.

"Geez not you too." She said looking away from Dylan who was now concerned for her.

"I mean you've been laying in the same spot for a while, so yeah I had to see if you were okay."

"Gee thanks." Dolly said as she stood up and stretched, "Look can you keep a secret?"

"Oh uh sure?"

"I'm tried of living under all these rules."

"Oh boy here we go." Dylan said as Dolly started to go on her rant about rules and what not.

"Sounds like the riff raffs are out and about." A voice was heard getting both Dylan and Dollys attention, it was Clarissa looking over the fence with a devilish smile, "Unfortunately it seems like the rest of you are too bothered with your squabbling." She snorted evily to which Dolly growled.

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