Chapter 8: Rescue

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Dylan, Dante, Dock-Ins, and Dorothy looked around the corridors of this humongous castle with little to no luck.

"Ugh, where could she be?!" Dante asked.

"According to my calculations, we'd be too late if we continue searching all the corridors like this." Dock-Ins pointed out.

"He's right, we gotta come up with a different strategy." Dylan said as two guard dogs walked by which the group minded their own business.

"Can't believe Clarissa has captured the mutt." One of the guards said to the other.

"Hey relax, once she dies all of this will be over."

"Thank dog we're not guarding her at the west tower."

"Hey hey, not so loud. Don't want Clarissa to snatch you up for talking huh." The other guard said as they headed upstairs.

"Did you hear that?!" Dylan asked excitedly.

"Yes, yes, I heard them. Dollys locked up at the west tower. But where can we find this west tower?"

"Maybe we could look at that?" Dante asked pointing to a convenient layout of the castle.

"Oh hey, how come I didn't see it?" Dock-Ins asked.

"Oh, I noticed it." Dylan said.

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I thought you knew it was there." Dylan said which Dock-Ins sighed and looked at the large layout, "Alright well got to find this west tower."

Dolly watched the hourglass get emptier and emptier. She started to feel weak as she tried to make one more effort at the door. With the last amount of strength she had, she ran toward the door and crashed into it with all her might. But it didn't make a dent she sighed, it was useless to keep trying, it was hopeless.

Dylan, Dante, Dock-Ins, and Dorothy hurried down the halls hoping to reach the west tower in time to rescue Dolly. Suddenly they skidded to a halt.

"Why did we stop?" Dylan asked which Dock-Ins shushed him.

"There, that must be where they're keeping Dolly." He said pointing to a door where two guards were standing.

"Great, how are we gonna get to the door?" Dante asked.

"Simple, blend in." He said as he walked over to the guards, "Reporting for our shifts."

"Your shifts, I didn't think we'd be here that long."

"The Witch wants a tight schedule change in case she tried to escape." Dock-Ins explained which the two guards looked at each other, but shrugged it off and walked away. Once they rounded the corner Dock-Ins whistled for the others to come over.

"Nice idea Dock-Ins." Dante said as he started to take off his disguise.

"Naturally, now let's save Dolly." He said.

Dolly simply sighed as she lay down when she suddenly heard a loud knocking on the door.

"Dolly?! You in there?!" She heard someone ask and immediately recognized the voice. With little strength she had she quickly went over to the door and started scratching at it.

"Dock-Ins?!" She called out, "I'm here, please hurry, I don't have a lot of time left!"

"Don't worry Dolly, we'll save ya!" Dylan yelled out as Dock-Ins and Dante pulled on the door, but no luck.

"We can't open it, it's bolted shut!" Dante yelled in a panic.

"Well what are we gonna do now?" Dulan asked.

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