Chapter 6: The Emerald City

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As the sun started to rise, the group was walking along the yellow brick road when they could see in the distance large green towers sparkling from the sunlight.

"That's it!" Dylan yelled out in excitement pointing to the strange green buildings, "That must be Emerald City!"

"We finally made it!" Dolly cheered as did everyone else.

"Well, what are we waiting for let's hurry over!" Dock-ins said as everyone quickly ran down the yellow brick road. Upon reaching Emerald City, they see that the large green wall blocked their path along with a humongous green door.

"That must be the entranceway." Dylan stated as they saw a large rope next to it

"Maybe we should pull this." Dock-Ins suggested.

"Stand aside I got this." Dolly said before readying herself and pounced onto the rope with her teeth pulling down the rope which made some kind of melody. After a couple of minutes of waiting a small door opened revealing a very angry Destiny, who was wearing mostly green and pink (She, Dallas, and Deja-Vu put up an incredible fight to wear the costume).

"Hey!" She yelled out getting Dante to jump back in fear, "Can't any of you read?!" She asked which everyone looked at each other in confusion.

"Was there something we're supposed to read?" Dolly asked which Destiny groaned in annoyance before ducking down from behind the door and coming back up with a sign and placing the sign on the hook before closing her door.

"Bell's broken, please knock." Everyone read which Dolly looked at Dylan before using the large door knocker which Destiny popped out from the door.

"Now that's better." She said before clearing her throat and smiling, "Welcome to Emerald City, what brings you to our lovely city?"

"We're here to see Oz, we were sent by the Good Witch of the North." Dolly explained showing off her sparkling collar.

"Well, what do ya know." Destiny laughed, "Well, come on in!" She said before disappearing behind the door before they heard sounds of locks unlocking and the doors opening, "Welcome to Emerald City. The Wizard of Oz has been expecting you." She said that upon seeing they could see that thousands of dogs, and other animals were cheering for the group.

"We've made it!" Dolly said with a sigh of relief, finally after all that traveling they finally made it to Emerald City where a familiar horse was trotting up to them, along with the driver who also looked very familiar.

"Hello, everyone, Royal cavalry coming through." The horse said which Dolly gasped.

"It's Pearl!" She said with excitement seeing Pearl all decked out with military threads.

"Heya everyone." The driver greeted the group.

"Fergus?" Dolly asked which he simply laughed.

"That's right I'm Fergus and you must Dolly, The Wizard has been expecting you." He said which Dolly looked at Dylan, Dante, and Dock-Ins who all smiled, "Well don't just stand there come aboard, best not to keep the Wizard waiting any longer." He said as Dolly and the group hopped aboard, "Alright Pearl to the Wizards Lair!" He said as the crowd started to sing

(Merry Old Land of Oz)

(Citizens of Emerald City)
'Ha ha ha
Ho ho ho
And a couple of tra-la-la's
That's how we laugh the day away
In the Merry Old Land of Oz!'

While they traversed through the town Dolly noticed that Pearl started to change colors.

'Buzz, buzz, buzz
Chirp, chirp, chirp
And a couple of la-di-da's
That's how the crickets crick all-day
In the Merry Old Land of Oz
We get up at twelve and start to work at one
Take an hour for lunch and then at two we're done'

Dolly in the Wizard of Oz: A 101 Dalmatian Street StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now