Chapter 3: Meeting the Scarecrow and Tin Pup

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After a while of walking Dolly and Dorothy came across a humongous corn field that had golden crisp corn growing fresh for the picking.

"Wow, it's corn for as far as the eyes could see." Dolly said to which Dorothy nodded in agreement, "How are we supposed to find this Emerald City in this cornfield?" She asked when they suddenly started to hear grunting near them. Dolly and Dorothy quickly jumped into the cornfield to hide but after a while, they peeked out to see if the coast was clear, "Where is that coming from?" She asked to which Dorothy tugged on Dolly and pointed to a crow messing with a scarecrow dog.

"Would you stop it?!" The scarecrow asked as the raven kept pecking at him.

"What, this?!" The crow asked as it pecked at the scarecrow even more to which the scarecrow yelp out in pain and annoyance.

"Stop it!" The scarecrow yelled.

"Hey, guess what?"


"You got something in your... eye!" The crow said and pecked at the scarecrow's face laughing.

"Hey!" Dolly yelled out getting both the crow and the scarecrow's attention. Dolly then pulled up her dog tag and let the sun reflect off of it which got the crow's attention.

"Oooooh shiny, shiny." It said as it hopped down and chased after the light, "Shiny, shiny, shiny!" The raven yelled out only to smack into a pitchfork getting its head stuck between the fork.

"That outta hold you." Dolly said as she and Dorothy hurried over to the scarecrow, "Hey you... Dylan?" Dolly asked to which the Scarecrow looked at her with confusion, the scarecrow was in fact Dylan but he was wearing a farmer's outfit along with visible stitches above his paws, on his neck, and in the middle of his body these stitches also had straw sticking out of some of them.

"Who is this Dylan?"

"Duh... that's you." Dolly answered.

"I don't know this Dylan, but I wanna thank you for saving me, that crow has been bothering me all day." The scarecrow said.

"Well, you're welcome but why was he bugging you?"

"Oh well as you see I'm a scarecrow I'm supposed to scare off the crow to protect this patch of corn that you see before you."

"Uh huh, go on?"

"But uh... I have an itsy teensy problem." The scarecrow looked around to see if no one was around, "I don't have a brain." He whispered.

"You don't have a what?"

"I don't have a brain." Dylan whispered again.

"You don't have a brain?" Dolly asked to which Dylan nodded, "Well I mean your scarecrow, you're just..." Dolly went up and plucked some straw out of the stitches, "Made of straw."

"Well... that makes a lot of sense." Dylan said, "But if I did have a brain I could be smart enough to get rid of these crows."

"Oh really... well me and my sister are heading to see the Wizard of Oz, maybe he could help you get a brain." Dolly explained to which Dylan gasped.

"You mean 'the Wizard'? The Wizard of Oz?!"

"That's right."

"Oh boy, I would love to go."

"Then come let's go!" Dolly said as she began to walk off but Dylan whistled for her.

"Hey uh, one problem... I uh can't move." Dylan said as he tried to lift his legs only to reveal that he was nailed to the platform.

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