Chapter 2: Munchkin Land

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Dolly and Dorothy looked around in awe at this strange new land. The building's they saw were very small... pup size one may say. The entire land just simply popped with colors as if Da-Vinci painted the entire world with color.

"W-where are we?" Dolly asked as she and Dorothy stepped out from the doorway and landed on some pavement that was completely made out if brick. Dolly quickly turned around to see that the house was surprisingly still intact just completely lopsided and sort of buried into the ground, "Oh great... now what are we gonna do? We're definitely not in Camden, where the heck are we?!" She asked when suddenly a pup popped out from the ground.

"AHHHHHH A MONSTER!" The pup yelled before digging back into the ground smacking Dolly in the fave with dirt.

"Hey wait come back!" Dolly said as she was about to dig after the pup was she heard Dorothy laughing, "Dorothy?!" She called out only to see many other pups popping out from their hidings.

"Is, it the Witch?!" One pup asked.

"I don't know!" Another answered as they started to surround Dolly and Dorothy.

"They look like one of us."
"Are they friendly?!"
"It could be the Wicked Witch in disguise." Some of the pups said to one another when a whistle was heard behind them, all the pups turned to reveal two pups walking towards them.

"Dizzy, DeeDee?" Dolly asked to which the two pups looked at each other with confusion, they were wearing doggy clothes there were mostly blue with a gold trim, along with their small little elf like hats that were also blue with a gold trim.

"How does this creature know our name?" Dizzy asked DeeDee who simply shrugged.

"Who are you?!" DeeDee asked.

"Guys it's me Dolly and Dorothy we were swept up in that tornado remember?" Dolly asked to which Dizzy and DeeDee looked at each other with confusion.

"What is she talking about?"
"I have no idea." The two mumbled to each other before looking over to see the house.

"Wait... you came in that?" Dizzy pointed to the house to which Dolly nodded, suddenly the started to make a weird nose as all the pups simply jumped back in fear, Dolly and Dorothy looked back to see Portia lifting up the house from underneath.

"What in devils name dropped this house?!" Portia asked to which Dizzy and DeeDee pushed Dolly forward, "You!" She said with anger in her eyes, "You might have save those Munchkins but mark my word, my sister will find you and destroy you!" She threatened when suddenly her paws gave out and the entire house collapsed onto her throwing smoke into everyone's face with a loud thud, once the smoke cleared they could see Portia crushed nose was all that could be seen.

"Ew..." Dolly said as cheering could be heard behind her, "W-whats going on!" She asked.

"She's finally Dead!" Dizzy and DeeDee both said together as the other pups howled and cheered together.

"Let's Celebrate!" DeeDee said as they ran up and tackled Dolly who started laughing at the group hug.

"You guys!"

"We want to personally thank you for killing off the Wicked Witch of the East."

"Wicked who of the what?!"

"Oh that's right clearly your not from around here are you?" Dizzy asked.

"Yes clearly I'm not from around here." Dolly answered when suddenly all of the pups ooohed at the sight of small twister coming over to them, Dorothy pointed to the twister and barked getting Dolly's attention, "What's that?!"

Dolly in the Wizard of Oz: A 101 Dalmatian Street StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now