Chapter 10: Oz's Gifts

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Upon entering the chamber they were immediately greeted by Deja-Vu.

"Oh hey, what are you guys doing back her?" She asked.

"No time to explain, we got to speak to the Wizard!"

"Oh uh, the uh, wizard?" Deja-Vu asked which Dolly nodded her head, "The uh, uh wizard has requested to be alone."

"Uh huh well he won't be for long." Dolly said as she and her crew marched forward while Deja-Vu tried her best to stop them but unfortunately was pushed out of the way as Dolly burst the large doors open revealing the throne to be empty, "Oz!" She called out as his voice echoed throughout the room. Silence...

Oz?!" Dylan called out.

"Where is he?"

"I told you!" Deja-Vu yelled out shimmering herself passed everyone, "The Wizard isn't seeing anyone right now."

"Yeah well, we got his stupid broom." Dolly said holding up the witch's broom. Suddenly lightning struck the throne and smoke started to rise.

"WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER!" Oz's voice boomed out getting everyone's attention, as the green demonic face appeared through the fire and smoke.

"Okay, you guys have fun." Deja-Vu nervously laughed before scurrying off, leaving them to deal with Oz.

"O-Oz?!" Dolly called out, "We did what you requested and have returned with the broom." She said as she placed the broom on the ground in front of her.

"Not only that but we killed the Wicked Witch." Dylan added which got everyone to look at him.

"Ahh, so you did kill the Wicked Witch of the West, I'm surprised you went so far to achieve your quest."

"We did our end of the bargain, all we ask is for you to do your end." Dolly requested, to which Oz pondered.

"Hmmm... very well then, I'll grant your wishes." He said which the crew cheered, "Come back tomorrow." He added.

"W-wait what?!" Dylan asked as everyone stopped and looked over in shock.

"Are you kidding me?!" Dolly asked in disbelief, "We went through all this, just so that you could tell us to come back tomorrow?!"

"SILENCE!" Oz yelled out as fire and lightning flew out, "DO NOT QUESTION THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ!!" He yelled out getting the crew to huddle together. Dorothy however noticed some lighting coming from behind a curtain and tried to get Dolly's attention. Unfortunately, she simply got swatted away. This caused her to investigate the mystery by herself, "WHEN I SAY COME BACK TOMORROW, I SAY COME BACK TOMORROW!" Oz screamed as Dorothy reached the curtain and took a peek underneath. Upon doing this, she saw that there was a pair of human legs on the other side, she tried to get Dolly's attention by barking but her bark wasn't strong enough including how the lightning and screaming didn't help either. She did however notice that large wires were running across the floor, this gave her an idea. She quickly snuck over to one of the large wires and carefully sniffed at it. Without thinking another thought she quickly bit down hard on the wires causing herself to get shocked, but she managed to cause Oz to short circuit, "HEY, W-WHATS GOING ON!?" Oz asked when suddenly sparks flew out from behind the curtains, causing a figure to fly back and bringing the curtain down, revealing a control panel with a speaker.

"Hey, let me out! Let me out!" The figure muffled underneath the curtain before throwing it off of him and standing up, dusting himself off. He revealed to be a  human wearing a green suit with black slacks, "Look what you did, you bit through the wires!" He groaned in anger.

"What is that creature?" Dylan asked.

"Never seen a creature like that before." Dock-Ins said as Dolly took a closer look, she then suddenly recognized the voice.

Dolly in the Wizard of Oz: A 101 Dalmatian Street StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now