Chapter 5: Coquelicot Club

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As the night progressed Dolly yawned tirelessly as did Dante and Dorothy.

"Hey come on you three, why the long faces?" Dylan asked.

"It appears they're getting tired." Dock-Ins explained which Dolly yawned again.

"Man all this walking has really hurt my legs." She groaned as she sat down.

"Hey come on, you three just need a little prep in your steps, get you guys back into the excitement." Dylan said which Dock-Ins rolled his eyes.

"And where exactly are we gonna do that?"

"Over there?" Dylan pointed over to a building where large colorful flowers could be seen.

"What's that?" Dolly asked.

"It's called... Coquelicot Club." Dylan read the sign above the entrance. Loud music could be heard inside which got both Dollys and Dorothy's attention. But upon looking up they could see a dalmatian busy painting on one of the flowers.

"Hey that looks like..." Dolly pointed to the pup who was busy painting, "Da-Vinci?"

"Must be on of the owners of this place."

"Hey Da-Vinci!" Dolly called out which got the artist to jump and fumble with her paint bucket. She looked around trying to find who called her out, "Down here!" Dolly called out getting her to look down.

"Oh, hello down there." Da-Vinci greeted waving her painted cover paw.

"What you doing up there?!"

"Isn't it obvious, I'm adding a new coat of paint to these flowers." She stated.

"Do you know who owns this building?"

"As it so happens my brother DJ owns it." Da-Vinci answered.

"That explains the loud music." Dolly mumbled.

"Just walk in, all are welcome." She said which Dolly and the rest looked at each other and headed on in. Once they reached inside the loud music blasted throughout the building as many different animals were shown sitting down having a good time, some strangley enough were sleeping.

"Man this is place is whack!" Dolly said with a yawn of excitement. In the middle of the club was a colorful dance floor where a familiar pup was seen playing on the record set, "Wait it's DJ!" She said as she and Dorothy ran up to get a closer look at DJ.

"Yo yo yo, what's happening all you party snoozers, here at Coquelicot Club we really home have one rule, party till you snooze, and now let's play one of my favorites." DJ said as he placed a record down on the spin table and cranked up the music which was a sort of a smooth jazz which everyone started to yawn at.

"Man this music is hopping got the crowd knocking themselves out." Dylan said as he looked to see of the other guests passing out and snoring, "Must be the the effect of the party. "

"I haven't have the slightiest idea." Dock-ins said when Dante suddenly yawned.

"Man I don't know why but I'm suddenly so tired." He said as did Dolly and Dorothy.

"And we just arrived too." Dylan said with confusion.

"Wait hang on..." Dock-ins started to shake and a small ding went off as a piece of paper popped out of his mouth.

"What did you..." Dolly yawned, "Do?"

"I took the liberty of looking this place up on my personal WWW."

"The World Wide Woof?" Dolly asked with a yawn.

"Correct, and this place is interesting, Coquelicot is French for Poppy."

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