Chapter 7: Witches Castle

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Through the dark forest, the group marched, well... rather huddled together, slowly trying to go through the forest.

"S-so, does anyone know where this Witch lives?" Dolly asked.

"It's uh, not hard to miss." Dock-Ins explained, gesturing over to a road sign that was lopsided but was still readable due to Dock-Ins headlight eyes, "See, Castle Clarissa, that way." He gestured in the direction where the sign pointed. Far across the land was a barely visible castle thanks to the rocky cliffs.

"T-there it is... Castle Clarissa." Dante said while quivering with fear.

"Maybe this wasn't just a good idea." Dylan said as he started to back up, but was suddenly grabbed by the collar, "Help! The Witch! She got me!" He screamed out, but once he looked back, he saw it was Dolly.

"Bro, relax." She said, pulling him back, causing him to sit down, "We got a plan."

"W-we do?" Dylan asked.

"Yep, all we have to do is walk up to the castle, get in, grab her broom, and boom, we'll have our wishes in no time." She explained. As she explained her plan, what she didn't know was she was being watched by the Wicked Witch through her magic crystal ball.

"Argh, that insolent child, thinking she can take my broom?!" The Witch asked, looking over to her two minions that looked like Clarissa's friends.

"Simply laughable."
"I was going to say childish." The two heckled, which Wicked Clarissa snickered.

"Of course, they think they can just march up to my castle and just willy-nilly themselves for my broom. Well, that's what they think." She said before running over to the window, throwing it open, revealing a bunch of blue dogs with wings, "FLY MY CREATURES FLY!" She yelled out, which got the blue dogs to jump and start flying, "Bring Dolly Dalmatian here, destroy the rest!" She cackled as the flying blue dogs took off.

"I don't know, Dolly, that seems out of our league." Dante said, to which Dolly simply laughed.

"Oh, come on, it's foolproof. What's this Witch gonna do?"

"Perhaps send her flying blue dogs after us?!" Dylan asked, pointing up to the sky where a large swarm of flying blue dogs could be seen before they dive-bombed onto them.

"Quick, everyone, run!" Dolly yelled out as she and the rest ran. Unfortunately, Dock-Ins wasn't fast enough, and some flying blue dogs swooped down and crashed into him, biting and scratching his body.

"Dock-Ins!" Dylan yelled out and was about to run out, but he too was grabbed by the flying blue dogs and started to tear him apart. Dolly watched in horror as the flying blue dogs suddenly grabbed him and flew off, back to the castle where the rest of the blue dogs followed. Once the dust settled, Dante slowly rose from behind some rocks quivering at the scene. Dylan and Dock-ins were shown laying about torn apart, Dylan's arms and legs were thrown about as his torso was shown to be burst open. Dock-ins head was torn off but it was still attached to his torso which showed the wires and oil dripping from his opened neck, his arm was completely ripped out, revealing wires but other than that he and Dylan were still moving around groaning.

"Oh my dog, are you two alright?!" Dante asked only to get another groan from everyone.

"Would be better if they didn't tear us apart," Dock-ins said as he tried to move his leg. He was able to, but it wasn't going anywhere.

"This is gonna take forever to stitch back together." Dylan sighed.

"T-they just tore you guy apart, a-and they have Dolly!" Dante said with a groan of frustration, "Why must I be so cowardly!" He cried out, slamming his paw onto some rocks.

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