Chapter 4: Meeting the Cowardly Cub?

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What a difference the woods can make in the scenery. At first, it would feel like an adventure, but as one goes deeper and deeper into the woods, trees get taller, the road becomes more dangerous, and the light becomes more darker, changing the entire feeling from adventurous to downright creepy.

"Man... this is not fun." Dylan said as they tip-toed through the dark forest, "Really hope there aren't any lions in these woods."

"Or tigers." Dock-Ins added.

"Or bears." Dolly added before they all looked at each other, "But you know what, all this walking had made me very tired." She said before sitting down on a log and sighing.

"Well, that doesn't affect me." Dylan said with a smile to which Dock-Ins simply rolled his eyes.

"That's because you're made of straw." He pointed out, "And speaking of effect, I need to charge up a small bit." He said sitting next to Dolly, his hat suddenly transformed into some solar panels, "Portal charger, never go anywhere without it."

"Well, I guess I can join the party." Dylan said as he sat down, however, once he sat down, the log had a weird lump that he couldn't find adjustment to, "Why is this tree so lumpy?" He asked as he jumped onto the log only to hear a yelp from behind.

"Can you please?!" A black lion turned and asked Dylan.

"Oh, not a problem..." He said and went to hop off, but the two immediately locked eyes and screamed in terror.

"A Lion!" Dolly yelled out as the black lion started to run around. Dylan had the bright idea of grabbing onto its tail and wouldn't let go causing the Lion to become more frightened. Dolly, Dorothy, and Dock-Ins quickly hopped behind the log and watched the lion run around with Dylan hanging onto his tail not wanting to let go, soon the lion got near a tree and started throwing Dylan into the trees.

"Get... Off... My... Tail!" The lion cried out and in one big swing threw Dylan straight into a tree hard enough that he ripped in half.

"Oh, not again!" Dylan cried out as he crawled over to his legs.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I... I didn't mean to swing that hard." The lion cowardly said which Dolly took a closer look at the face of the lion looked a lot like... Dante?

"Dante?! Is that you?" Dolly asked and the lion looked around.


"Yeah, it's you, Dante!" She pointed to the lion which he looked at her confused.

"I... I uh don't k-know a Dante." The lion answered frightened at being outnumbered.

"Hey wait your a lion." Dock-Ins pointed out, "Aren't lions supposed to be brave and courageous?"

"Y-yes... but y-you see I'm clearly different from any other lion." The lion gestured towards himself, "And not o-only that... w-well, I'm a scary cat." He whispered the last part.

"Your what?" Dolly asked.

"I think he said he's a scardy cat." Dock-Ins explained which Dolly rolled her eyes.

"I was banished from my tribe, they say all I do is predict uncertain doom, which is true... I uh have a tendency to believe that every day could be our last."

"Similar to the Dante back at home." Dolly whispered to Dorothy who giggled, "Well to be honest have you ever thought you, I don't know, get some help?" She asked, which Dante looked at her.

"Oh, believe me, I've wanted to get help... b-but... you know. I-I'm scared." Dante said which everyone looked at each other.

"Well, we can definitely change that!" Dolly said

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