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The morning sun ignited the tent and gave the room a strong orange glow, initiating an autumn-like atmosphere. Everything was so bright and clear that they seemed to be scintillating. Judson sat on his bed with his head down poring over the golden map while Chestnut hungrily nibbled away at the huge piece of roast Waverly had brought for him earlier.

She had showered only a few minutes ago and, for the sake of decency, decided to stick to the same clothes. The attires in the wardrobe appeared to not be presentable enough for her, either that or they were three sizes too big.

"I have just realized a few things." Judson suddenly piped, lifting his gaze from the map.

"What?" Waverly inquired.

"These people, they have kindly housed and fed us for a night." He went on, staring into the distance. "Far more exquisitely than you would expect if you walked into their little village for the first time."

She lifted an eyebrow urging him to go on because he seemed to be voicing her own thoughts from when they had first arrived Valonia.

"Do you not think it odd?" He asked, opening his palm for emphasis. "The villagers look to be poor but everything about this place says otherwise. And if for some reason they are hiding their wealth or the source of it, is it not wiser that they use it for the good of every person? I mean, houses in the village are near the edge of collapse."

"I have thought about that." She agreed with a nod. "I will have to ask Odeya about it later on although I doubt she will reveal much because she might think that I am but prying."

"Possibly." Judson acknowledged. "I have also wondered something else. Earlier this morning I overheard a bunch of the locals speaking in a strange tongue."

"Is it not their language?" Waverly asked with a frown.

"No, I do not think it was." He objected. "I have heard the Gypsie language before. This was stranger. I suspected it to be magic spells. The locals were speaking spells."

Waverly felt her skin grow mildly cold. "What are you suggesting?"

"Nothing other than these people worship Hekate. The last time we encountered her worshippers they tried to kill us."

She shrugged. "Maybe this will be different. They have not done us any harm."

"I am not saying that they will. I am just stating what I observed." Judson said rolling up the map.

"Well, let us hope that they are different. Odeya is nice. She reminds me of Havilah."

Waverly heaved a sigh as she mentioned her Elfin friend. It had been more than a year since Havilah passed on. She had unfortunately been one of the first victims of the war and despite the amount of time that had gone by, her death still lingered like a fuzzy nightmare in Waverly's mind.

She suddenly recalled when Oculmus had conjured Havilah's form from mere soil, promising to bring the Elfin back if she would join with him. She glanced at Judson as he fitted the map into the corner of her bag, wondering whether he could remember doing such a thing.

Curiosity began to nip away at her.

"Jud, I have a question." The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them.

Judson turned and lifted his arms in surrender as if he knew what she was about to ask. "Fine, we will go and eat with the others outside."

"No, no. That is not what I—"

Waverly swallowed. A foreboding feeling that she was about to ignite an ugly fire rushed through her. She silently counted to twenty whilst Judson patiently waited for her to ask whatever question she had in mind.

The Unknown Realm #4 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now