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"I was thinking the same thing." Judson agreed and took Waverly's hand in his.

As they skipped across the court, she suddenly halted. The same slippery wet thing that rubbed her arm on the way in had touched her again. She peered about in search of it, but could see nothing.

"I swear, something's brushed against my arm twice." She confessed, frowning as she stared about. Just then, she caught sight of a translucent, watery thing at a very far distance and drew in a gasp.

"What?" Judson inquired, turning in the same direction.

"Eyér Virga." She exclaimed and sprinted into a run.

"What is that?"

"Elemental spirits, I believe." She explained as she ran along the stretchy court, occasionally staring up at the outside walls of the Empyreal throne room. "The last time I saw them was in the Elvenhome. They came to me to relay a warning. Now, I understand what they are. They are power, Jud."

"I am afraid I do not understand." He muttered.

Waverly briefly spun with a cheerful laugh. "I promise you will after you meet them. Although, I think they are just one."

The sight of a huge gate drew near as they ran onward and because of how enormous the courtyard was, they were breathless upon arrival. In this part of the yard, Waverly heard no songs and thought it strange. All was utterly quiet save for the feel of a whispering, cool wind that blew from right under her feet and the passing noise of giggling. She regarded the gate, which was left ajar and fashioned entirely of some strange ore that resembled steel, and wondered why no light flashed on its rim like the other narrow gate.

"I. . . do not think I see anything or anyone, Hlsana." Judson called, inspecting the area where he stood about twenty walking steps away.

"Eyer Virga only reveal themselves, I think, if they wish to speak to you." She reasoned. "I hoped that they would recognize it was me, having touched me and—"

"Was your dress always like that?" Judson interrupted lightly, pointing. "And I recall it was blue."

Waverly glanced at her gown. Indeed, it was no longer blue, but a shining white, and the fabric felt different – almost silky. The sleeves were longer, framing her knuckles. The neckline was also a tad higher than it had first been.

"Would you look at that?!" She humphed. Glancing up, she pointed at Judson. "Yours have changed too."

As the latter's gaze fixed on his new clothing, Waverly noticed sudden movement at his feet. Her eyes stuck to it because she immediately thought it was the Eyer Virga again. As it whipped forward within the clouds, ripples formed in the straight line that was its path. She bent over slightly to get a proper glimpse and felt the thing string around her ankle. It was so cold that it instantly sent her brain into a frenzy.

"I despise a high stand collar." Judson grumbled, feeling his shirt.

"Jud?" Waverly called.

Just then, she tripped and fell on her face, yanked back by the force that had lashed unto both legs and was winding its way up to her waist region. It happened in a blink. The clouds dispersed as she was fiercely dragged backwards.

"Hlsana!" Judson shouted, darting after her the moment she fell, but she was being pulled with threatening speed.

Waverly spun on her back just in time to see herself pass through the open steel gate. A kind of weight dropped into her chest and made her numb. Also, whatever had lassoed around her was spreading pain into her bones. She glimpsed Judson pursuing with enough speed to challenge the Twin Jinn. The new strength in him was obviously no match for distance.

The Unknown Realm #4 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now