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The earth was still spinning when Waverly's eyelids parted. The sensation slowed down as her eyes adjusted. A sudden tightness around her body made her glance about to find that she was cupped in Judson's arms. He was fast asleep with his head drooping limply to one side. Around him, beams of soft green light flashed like colorful mist, bathing the firelit room in dim color.

Waverly tried to peer around.

She was in her own lodge and atop her own bed with Judson's hands gently but protectively locked around her shoulders and her midriff heavily bandaged. She made to move and her injury exploded with pain, drawing a deep groan out of her. The sound roused Judson from sleep and he looked down.

"Lie still." He coaxed gently. The light around him subsequently grew stronger and brought a soothing feeling to her.

"What is that?" She managed, pointing a wavering finger at the wild yet beautiful beams.

"It comes and goes." Judson replied and shook his head. "I do not know yet what it is."

She exhaled and weakly laid her head against his chest. "Where is Rayonna?"

"She is fine. She was here with her parents about an hour ago and the hour before that. The villagers are all worried about you. You frightened them all. You frightened me."

Waverly swallowed. Her throat tasted like dry charcoal and blood. "I am sorry. I only wanted to help."

"I realized that. The villagers wish to thank you for it but no one will see you until the poison recedes entirely."

She lifted her head about an inch, her face creasing into a frown. "Poison?"

"Yes." Judson replied. His hand moved to rest against her ear. "That weapon was dipped in poison. A strange and rare kind. It has mixed with your blood and if I had delayed a second longer before providing treatment. . ."

Waverly could not see his face but she knew fully well that he dreaded uttering the next words. She grabbed his arm and squeezed it appreciatively.

"Thank you." She muttered.

The inside of her ear was beginning to tingle as if oil was being poured into it and down her throat. The dry bitterness in her mouth slowly began to vanish, her body relaxed and her eyelids became heavy. She shut her eyes and fell asleep a second time.

Waverly dreamed of drowning.

She fell into and woke up from an uneasy sleep countless times before the break of dawn. The sun was peeking through the curtains in brilliant rays when her eyes struggled open. This time she was alone on the bed but Judson's jacket had been left lying next to her. The wooden bed creaked when, with a lot of effort, she lifted herself to its edge. Her stab wound ached to madness but thankfully its sting had died out. She placed stiff feet against the cold ground and tried to stretch them out but the action brought a great wave of discomfort to her. It seemed that even the slightest movement resonated deep inside the wound causing her entire body to rattle with pain. She supported her stomach with one hand and rose to her feet. The room spun and she staggered back, leading to more pressure building up in and around her midsection.

A pained cry escaped her and she lurched in a headlong fall but a pair of arms caught her just in time.

"You should not be about." The man said as he aided her to sit on the bed. He was Rayonna's father. "You still need a great amount of rest to heal properly."

At that moment, Judson came into the room followed by Rayonna and her mother. The former shyly placed tiny hands under her chin, her bright eyes bearing into Waverly's.

The Unknown Realm #4 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now