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Like leaves on a stream, a whole week had floated by. Reality slapped hard on Waverly like a violent shove into the deep pools of the ocean in winter. After a long pondering over Lord Azlin's words regarding her dream, she finally decided it was time to face up to the sad fact that Uriel Neris was not her place.

At noon the next day, she was bent over, carefully folding up a huge pile of laundry that her roommates had washed earlier. Now, the women of Erci made sure to give her a good amount of space for some unknown reason, whether she was walking past or sitting near them. She had long nursed the gnawing feeling that something was terribly out of place. The only person who occasionally spoke to her, or said a word or two, was Yisa – the dark skinned Gypsie that slept in the caramel mattress opposite hers.

Thoughts coursed through her mind; filtering from Judson to Chestnut and Celestial, to Maru's orders, and her recurring dream. As these chaotic thoughts almost entranced her, the slight rapping of knuckles against the door made her jerk and turn immediately, but she simply found Rhos peeking cautiously into the room.

"Lhu?" He whispered sweetly.

Waverly found herself smiling.

He entered fully and came up to her, drawing her close so that his arms were locked around her back.

"What does that mean?" She questioned, gazing up at him. He smelled of wine still, and she guessed it was because of how much time he spent handling underripe grapes and berries.

His fingers grazed the sides of her face. His smile was warm and welcoming. "Love."

Waverly felt slightly giddy for a moment when his lips tenderly touched hers. He sighed softly and ran his fingers through her hair, blotting out every thought that had bothered her before his emergence. He pulled back and gently rested his forehead against hers.

"You have not left my thoughts since yesternight." He whispered clearly.

A sense of regret began to spread – painfully – across Waverly's chest. She shut her eyes for a few seconds, recognizing with regret that she had given Rhos the idea that she nursed deep affection toward him when all that she had truly felt was a brief infatuation. She felt the honest urge to kick herself in the spleen.

"Rhos." She quietly called. He hummed in response. "There is something I want you to know."

He gently leaned back to peer at her face, his own expression painted with curiousness.


"Rhos." A familiar voice called from behind.

The pair turned and found Cyme standing in the doorway, her expression mildly incurious.

"Ma Ymer has requested to see Waverly immediately." She reported.

Rhos glanced at Waverly for a few seconds, trying to read the emotion in her face, but it appeared as indifferent and blank as his sister's.

"Can I come too?" He bade.

"Yes. In fact, go to her now. I will bring Waverly along."

Cyme's gaze fell to where Rhos had his fingers entwined with Waverly's and emotion passed through her gentle features as fast as thought. She swallowed and moved sideways for him to pass, noticing how he had let go of Waverly's hand with obvious difficulty. When he was out of earshot, she gazed fixedly and calculatingly at the latter.

"Whatever is going on between you and my brother, I suggest you think thoroughly of it first." She began. Her tone carried no trace of anger, but caution. "All through yestereve you were all he would speak of and muse on about. It is clear to me that he is helplessly smitten by you, and I will not deny that you are a charming young lady. I have come to see you as a friend, and a good person, but I am not as naive as my brother. I can clearly tell that you do not feel any love for him, not even as much as he has developed for you."

The Unknown Realm #4 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now