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Large looming figures stood at a funny umstroke about and ahead of Erehas, darkening the waters. They seemed to be the source of a sudden, unnatural, oozing cold wind that made fabric flap and hair billow. The sky had turned grey as the sun went into hiding behind the clouds. A disquieting silence dominated the atmosphere, and yet there seemed to be the presence of a shrill whisper like that of fell voices chanting in unison in a strange tongue from hundreds of miles beyond the horizon. The land seemed to be clothed in ancient powers; powers so great and terrible that it felt nearly as solid as a quarter of the essence of an Elemental godhead.

A sense of foreboding gripped Waverly so strongly that she drew her coat closer to her frame to shield from it as she followed Judson toward the outer deck where the sailors had amassed, gazing up in wonder and a terrified sort of excitement. She was not sure whether they loved or feared the sight before them.

"The Red Mountains of Ruphat." A sailor said. He was the same man that had spoken to her in the docks.

"Regardless of how often a ship sails past these lands," Another contributed. "It still strikes a curious feeling in the heart of men beholding such creations."

"What are the Red Mountains?" Waverly asked Judson, her voice barely above a whisper. She felt very embarrassed that she seemed the only one lacking in the knowledge of the foreign landmark.

Unfortunately, one of the sailors heard her, but showed no surprise at her ignorance.

"The birthplace of our former oppressors. The Outcasts." He clarified, walking down the length of the deck. "A place so dreadful that not even Elvish folk would tread it. These mountains have existed since the reign of the Elder Elves, dominating umptillions of acres and a fraction of Turmoil itself. Some say that it is twice the landmass of The Great Jungle, but no man can make certain of that."

"Is there something foul dwelling there, preventing anyone from trespassing?" She inquired further.

"Some thing?" The man retorted. His expression was so grave and sinister that Waverly felt the need to shut up at once.

She gazed up at the mountains. They were incredible indeed, stretching so far on both sides it seemed as though they were all that covered the earth. The powerful rocks were of deep red and dark brown, capped with thick white snow, but Waverly could distinctively tell the difference between natural and supernatural cold. The Red Mountains harbored great components of elderly vileness and ungodliness, like a loaded cannon waiting to be triggered.

Waverly did not realize she was attempting to melt into Judson, being struck by fear at the sight of the mountains whereas he did not appear troubled even in the slightest.

She felt his hand shield a part of her face, steering her gaze toward himself.

"Maybe you should not look at them." He cautioned in concern and engulfed her in a tight hug.

He wore different clothes comprising of a long grey coat, a pale white sleeved shirt and seaman trousers. Waverly liked his new clothes. They made him appear presentable, and what with how much he seemed to be growing, were the perfect fit. Unfortunately, his signature fragrance was lost underneath all those clothing. Now, he smelled like sea salt and something tangy like vinegar. His curls had gone wild, making him easily blend in as one of the sailors. Upon sight one would think that he was indeed one of them until they saw that all he did was speak to the men and help them readjust a few things under the large canopy.

"Be on guard." The captain yelled. He was dark skinned like Yisa with fine dark beard, bright green eyes and an incredible physique. He rarely spoke except when shouting orders and spent most of the journey staring into the horizon. Every morning at dawn, Waverly caught a silhouette of him standing in the same spot on Erehas with his cloak billowing in the breeze. He seemed a very mysterious fellow.

The Unknown Realm #4 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now