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'I'm just setting off now. See you soon! Xx'
Finally, I'm jetting off to sunny LA on the 29th July to see my friend Austin again after what feels like forever. Our mums used to be friends, but somehow we only ever met when we were kids. Now, I'm 17 and heading off on my own to meet him.
'Okay, text when you land and I'll tell you where I'm waiting.'
I walk towards departures with my handheld luggage rolling along the floor behind me.
"Hello, how are you doing?" One of the kind flight assistants asks me.
"I'm good thank you," I smile nervously.
"I can see this must be your first journey alone?" I nod, sheepishly. Is it that obvious?! "Well if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Your seat is 16D, just over there," she says pointing to a window seat. "Have a good flight!"
Well that was nice. I just about fit my luggage into the storage cupboard, before sitting down and putting my earphones in.

I wake up when the old lady sat next to me gives me a poke.
"Hey dearie," she says in an American accent. "Just thought I'd let you know we've just landed. You were only awake for about an hour of that flight! I don't know how you did it!"
"Really?" I jump up. "Well thank you very much for letting me know, sorry if I snored." I yawn.
"No problem," the old lady chuckles, before walking away.
After getting my suitcase back, I rush to the exit to meet Austin. I see a crowd of people, all looking busy, but no sight of Austin. Suddenly, I see a figure run around the crowd towards me and I am engulfed in a hug.
"Hey, Charlotte!" He says.
"Yeah, it's me!" He laughs. "You must be tired, come on, slight change of plan actually, we're renting out a holiday home for the 2 weeks instead of you being stuck at my place."
"Sounds great!" I smile, as he takes my suitcase in one hand and wraps his spare arm around my shoulder, while questioning me about the flight.
After a sleepy journey to the house, he takes my things in and shows me around his place. He had told me he had a few friends also coming, which I was a bit worried about, but Austins really sweet so nothing really should go wrong.
"Where are your friends then?" I ask, heading down the stairs with slippers on.
"Oh, they're just off getting some food, that's their deal in staying anywhere with me. They buy me food to earn my company." He grins.
"Don't say you want me to buy you anything?" I giggle.
"Of course not!" He smiles. "Let's put a movie on, the boys will be here by the time it finishes,"
And sure enough, about an hour into the film, 3 boys who seem a similar age to me arrive.
"Hey guys!" Austin yells, as they let themselves in.
"Hello!" Three American sounding guys shout back.
"We're just putting your food away, just a minute," one of them says, and a couple of minutes later, two blonde boys and a curly brown haired boy walk in. Austin seems completely unphased by their presence, but I immediately stand up and introduce myself.
"Hello, I'm Charlotte, I'm Austins friend," I introduce myself.
"You never said Charlotte was British! Sweet accent. I'm Nate," the shorter of the two blonde boys says, giving me a quick hug.
"Hey, I'm Drew, nice to meet you," Drew says, also giving me a hug.
"Best till last then boys?" The brown haired boy laughs. "I'm Levi. We've heard a lot about you!" He says, pulling me in for a final hug.
"Oh no," I laugh.
After the film ends, Nate decides the best way we could get to know each other would be through a game of truth and dare. Really, the only person they all need to get to know is me, so I'd much rather a nice easy chat, but I go along with this game anyway.
First for a dare is Drew, who has to jump over the sofa, which amazingly, he does effortlessly. There are a few more rounds before I pick truth.
"Have you and Austin ever made out?" Nate asks.
"Well that's an easy one, no!" We all laugh.
After we decide to stop playing truth or dare, we just chat.

A Friends Friend | Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now