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"Right, I'm off to bed, night guys," Austin says, wandering out of the room with a glass of water in hand.
"Night," we all call.
"So how do you know him then?" Levi asks.
"Our mums were friends, so we met- once. We did skype a lot though." I say. We're all squashed onto the sofa. I've got Nate on one side and Levi then Drew on the other. "Anyway how come you boys are such good friends?" I ask, curiously.
"Hasn't he told you about the-" Nate is cut off.
"NATE," Levi and Drew moan.
"For Gods sake Nate," Drew laughs. "We'll have to tell you now."
"What is it?" I ask.
"Weren't you supposed to know? We're in a band." Nate says.
"I think Austin wanted you to see us film a cover tomorrow morning or something, but bloody Nate ruined the surprise," Levi laughs, shaking his head.
"Ah that's so cool! What's the name of your band?",
"The Tide."
"Wow! I tell you what, I'll act surprised tomorrow just for Austins sake." I say.
"That's a good idea, thanks," Nate says, yawning and stretching his arms around me quickly. "Right, before I reveal any more secrets, like the fact Drew is really a woman, I'm going to go to bed." Drew rolls his eyes.
"Night," Levi and I say, laughing tiredly.
"Haha, you're so funny." Drew says sarcastically. "Night dude."
Nate leaves the room.
"Right, what do you want to do?" Drew asks, sitting up suddenly.
"I don't know, what's the time?" Levi asks.
"2 am,"
"Fucking hell. Right I agree with you, how are we going to keep our energy levels up?" Levi asks.
"I say a game of the floor is lava." I suggest.
"Good idea, who needs energy drinks when you can jump on furniture?" Levi smiles. "Right, let's move this sofa and play."
I let Drew and Levi heave the sofa to the side of the room, and I have the easy job of just grabbing a few pillows and putting them on the floor. Once we have all found sturdy objects to stand on, we begin.
"3, 2, 1, GO!!!" Drew shouts. I jump onto the coffee table, and over to where Levi is balancing.
"Levi, Levi, Levi, GO!" I scream. He almost falls, but regains his balance and hops over to a stool. Drew is dodging us both and staying on the pillows. "Come on Drew," I giggle, before nudging him onto the floor.
"NO!!!" He laughs, laying on the floor for a few seconds, then getting up and onto the sofa. The boys fight each other for a space on the chair, while I stand on the coffee table laughing.
"Hey, you," Levi giggles, jumping onto the coffee table with me.
"Oh no!" I laugh, moving over to the sofa, and his jump to follow me leads to us losing our balance. Suddenly, I am laying on the sofa with Levi on top of me. "Err, Levi.." I say, quickly losing my breath. He sits up.
"Oh God, are you alright, beautiful?" He asks, holding my hand.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, sitting up. Beautiful?
Drew gives him a confused look.
"Right, I think that's enough of that. We don't want anyone to die," Drew laughs.
"Yeah, come on, let's go up," Levi suggests.
I agree, and we head up the stairs. Levi has his arm around me.
"You sure you're okay?" Levi asks once Drew has gone in the bathroom.
"Yeah, honestly. Don't worry about it," I smile.
"Okay. Night then," he says, giving me a hug.
"Night, I say, walking into my room.

A Friends Friend | Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now