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"What did you think of that then, Char?" Austin asks, after they've packed away their equipment.
"It was fab." I grin, because it was actually really good, I had no clue Austin had such a powerful voice.
"Thanks," he smiles. "Now, what are we all thinking today's activity is going to be?"
"Today's activity?" Drew laughs, mimicking Austin.
"How's about the beach or something?" Nate suggests.
"That's cool. Char, you up for it?"
"Sure, Aust. You've nicknamed me now I see?"
"Charlotte is a mouthful." He says, plainly.
"Okay," I laugh.
We all go and get things for the beach together. I pack a towel, bikini, a few snacks and my purse into a smaller bag. Then, we bundle out of the house. In the car, we all sing our lungs out to the songs on the radio.
"We're here!" Nate calls.
"Right, come on then," Austin says, opening his door.
After a few minutes walk along the sand, we lay our towels down on an empty area. LA is gorgeous.
"Who wants to go in the sea then?" Levi asks.
"I will!" We all shout.
"Let's go!" Nate says. They all start getting up to run into the sea, but I spoil the mood.
"Guys- wait!" I say.
"What's up?" Austin asks.
"I need to get changed. Where are the toilets?" I ask.
"Behind that coffee shop over there," Austin points. "Do you have want one of us to come and wait?"
"No, I'll be okay."
"Be quick then!" They say.
"Just because all you have to do is take your shirts off and you're ready to go in your trunks," I roll my eyes and giggle.
"Fair enough. Now go!" Austin instructs, prompting me to run towards the little cafe. I find the sign for the loo, and change as quickly as possible.
When I arrive back, Nate and Drew are already paddling, Austin is sorting his bag out and Levi is stood waiting.
"You ready then?" He asks.
"Yep," I say, throwing my bag on my towel. "Austin, you coming?" I ask.
"I'll be there in a minute," he says.
"Cool, come on then Char." Levi says, taking my hand. We run down into the sea together. I scream as my body is shocked by the coolness of the water.
"Hey!!" Nate shouts, and Levi and I wave madly back.
Austin joins us, and we all swim around for a while. My hair is up in a messy bun so it isn't completely messy afterwards.
"Charlotte, LOOK!" Nate screams, pointing to the water beside me.
"WHAT?!" I yell.
"SHARK!" Nate shouts and I scream, before realising there is nothing there. I swim towards him aggressively, and he swims away screaming.
"Very funny," I laugh.
"Right I'm gonna go back and dry off," Austin says, who doesn't seem to be very keen on the sea.
"I'm gonna stay here for a while longer," Levi and I both say around the same time.
"I'm gonna have a break, I'll be back in in a minute, though," Nate says.
"Yeah.. I'm going back too," Drew says, giving me a knowing look. For gods sake.
"Right, see you all in a minute." I say.
"Bye," Levi says.
This is going to be awkward.

A Friends Friend | Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now