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Drews POV:

I look in the mirror and scruff my hair up. I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face, before opening the bathroom door, to find Levi leaning on it. He trips and sniggers.
"Thanks Drew,"
"No problem," I laugh. "Anyway, dude," I say, changing my tone quickly.
"What?" Levi asks as I pull him into the bathroom and lock the door. "What's going on?"
"What was that about?" I ask, lowering my voice.
"With Charlotte!"
"Oh for Gods sake, Levi. You called her beautiful!" I hiss, hoping that Charlotte isn't up still.
"What? No I didn't?!" He says, in shock.
"Yeah, you did."
"Shit. Do you think she heard?"
"Of course she heard, dude."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! She looked confused, but flattered all the same." Levi's face immediately brightens. "But fucking creeped out man. You've known her less than 24 hours and you hit on her?"
"I didn't mean to. Look at her though. Who wouldn't? She probably took it as a compliment anyway. She's beautiful, isn't she?"
"She's alright. But hitting on her when you know she'll be stuck in the same house with you for 2 weeks at least isn't cool." I say, reluctantly.
"Look, I'm not being shallow. She's genuinely funny and so nice to be around."
"As long as you'll do the right thing." I say, unsure.
"Drew, you know me. I'd never treat a girl badly. Never. Especially not Charlotte. And tonight was a tiny slip up. If you think I'm going to try and scare her off you're mad."
"Okay." I say. I do trust Levi, I've just never seen him get so affected by a girl, especially this quickly. It's weird.
"Now dude, can I take a shit in peace, please?" He asks, immediately making me laugh again.
I shut the bathroom door and step into the room Drew, Nate and I are sharing. Nate is fast asleep, so I decide to make a vine of him snoring before I go to sleep.

A Friends Friend | Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now