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Everyone in the room is mingling, and I'm just chatting with Levi and Nadine. They used to be friends apparently. I don't really care, but I'm smiling and nodding along politely. Austin has put music on in the background, so bands like All Time Low and Fall Out Boy are playing, which is comforting while I'm anxious to please everyone. When Nadine starts chatting to Carly, Levi slips out to the kitchen.
"I'll just be a minute," I let Austin know. And I follow Levi out into the kitchen.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, how are you doing?" He asks, looking into my eyes.
"Yeah, I'm okay."
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"This is all just slightly stressful. I'm not gonna stay up too late." I decide out loud.
"Good idea," he smiles. "Stay with me, babe, I'll look out for you."
"Thanks Levi." I say.
"Woah-" he says, grabbing my shoulders.
"What?" I ask, nudging him away, before moving my body closer to his, and he backs away.
"I think you are a bit.. Tipsy. Definitely stay with me, okay?"
"Okay," I say. What am I doing? He puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk back into the living room.
"Right, who's up for a game of spin the bottle?" Nate yells.
"Sure!" I say. If I was in my right mind I would be shrugging this idea off, I remind myself. Oh well, I need to live a bit. Who cares if I make mistakes? I'm young. Let's do this.
"Are you sure?" Levi mutters.
"Yeah I'm sure!" I giggle madly. Firstly, the bottle lands on Austin and Carmen. They peck each other on the lips quickly. Then Nate and Nadine. Then the bottle lands on me. "Austin I am not kissing you that would be wrong," I laugh hysterically. The bottle luckily rolls right past Austin, and edges towards me again but just passes me until it lands on Levi.
"Oh God," I hear Drew laugh.
I have been having too much fun tonight, but I wanted to keep things with Levi cool- and see how things pan out. But apparently now we have a crowd shouting at us to kiss. Levi sighs.
"Quickly, then." He says. His hands cup my cheeks and he tilts his head before his lips press against mine. I feel tingly inside, and I almost fall off the edge of this sofa.
"Alright guys," Drew says, and with that, it is over. When we pull away, his cheeks are red. He rubs his lips slightly and I do the same. I look at the ground as I feel my cheeks burning. By the time I have the guts to look up, they're already spinning the bottle again, and Levi is staring at me. My heart is racing as my eyes creep towards his. We stare at each other for what seems like a lifetime, before everyone else starts giggling.
I look over, and realise the reason everyone is giggling is because Nadine and Carmen have to kiss each other. They do, quickly. Then, the bottle is spun again and Levi gets chosen first. This time, I care. Before, I wouldn't have had a care in the world, but I suddenly feel selfish and jealous. Luckily, the bottle lands on Drew, so they kiss quickly before both going to wash their mouthes out and laughing at how disgusting the other is.
After this round, we all just forget about spin the bottle and go back to chatting. I stay to my word and stay with Levi, although after a few hours Drew takes me to one side.
"Were you okay with spin the bottle?" He asks.
"Don't you worry about me, I was fine." I reassure him.
"Okay. Are you okay with the party?" He asks. He seems to have a sixth sense about how I need someone like him to just interrogate me to check how I am everyday.
"Yes. I appreciate this Drew, but please stop worrying. Go and enjoys yourself! I will be just fine. I think I'm getting less tipsy so if anything goes pear shaped I will look after myself." I say.
"Okay," he smiles.
After a few more hours of chatting and a few embarrassing dances, the girls make an exit.
"It was lovely to meet you! I'm sure I'll see you soon," I smile and hug each of them.
"And you!" They say, before Nate finally shuts the door a good 10 minutes later.
"What's the time?" I ask.
"3:30am," Austin says, yawning. "I'm off to bed, night guys."
"Yeah me too, night," Drew says. Before they both wander up the stairs. I sit on the sofa next to Levi.
"I'm gonna go up in a minute," Levi says, and Nate and I agree to do the same. "So much for an early night," Levi laughs.
"I lost track of time, besides, I'm not even too-" I say before I can't help but massively yawn. "Tired." I laugh.
"I think you just proved yourself wrong," Nate chuckles.
"I did, didn't I?" I stretch and fall onto Levi's lap.

Nates POV:

Wow, Charlotte got drunk tonight.
"Charlotte?" Levi whispers. No response.
"Dude, is she breathing?" I ask. She must be sleeping but she is silent. I can only just about see her breathing.
"Yeah, she is. I'm going to have to carry her up, aren't I?" Levi says, giving her a loving look.
"Yep." I say. "Do you need a hand?"
"I think I'll be okay." He says, putting one of his arms underneath her knees and the other below her back.
"You love her, don't you?" I ask Levi.
He nods. "Is it that obvious?"
"Yeah it is, yeah," I laugh. "Come on, then."
I follow Levi up the stairs in case he drops Charlotte, then, I open her bedroom door and watch as he places her in the bed and tucks her up. He whispers something to her, and I'm pretty sure I saw him kiss her forehead.
"Night, dude," I say, as we close Charlottes door,
"Night," he says.


Hey! Wow that was a long chapter, you deserved it because I made you all wait so long!
I will update in around a week when my exams are over & after then I should hopefully be updating more regularly again:)
Thank you so much for 1.13k reads, that inspired me to write loads more, get excited:)
Hope you're all enjoying this book lots, see you in chapter 9!

A Friends Friend | Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now