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We paddle for a while, before Levi suggests sitting on the rocks.
"What did you think of the song we did?" Levi asks.
"It was amazing." I say.
"Thanks," he laughs. "You're so pretty, and nice," he blushes.
"Thank you. You are also pretty. And nice," I say, laughing.
"Thanks," he laughs. "Do you think they left us on purpose?"
"Of course they did," I roll my eyes. "Silly boys."
"I know," Levi agrees.
"I felt so bad lying to Austin earlier." I grin.
"You don't look like it," he laughs.
"Oh, I mean-" I put a dramatic sad expression on my face. "I felt awful lying to Austin this morning," I say.
"Aww, it's okay," Levi says, giving me a hug. "He'll get over it quickly if he does find out."
"Yeah," I laugh.
"How are you finding America so far?" Levi asks. "Have you been before?"
"I haven't no, I met Austin when he visited in the UK. We were about 7 or 8 then. And America is great. Very large everything. Your roads are massive, and one meal here would be sold to last a family for a week back home."
"I've never been to the UK. You'll have to show me around, and teach me how to drive on the wrong side of the road," he says.
"It's actually you who drives on the wrong side, but I definitely will show you round." I laugh.
"Are you missing your small little country?" He asks.
"Not really. I've been too busy to think about that, what with the flight and lava and the beach. I'm sure at some point over this holiday you will see me as a blathering mess." I laugh.
"It'll be impossible to see you as any kind of mess," he says, staring his gorgeous blue eyes into mine.
"Well, that's just my aim for this holiday, then: to prove you wrong," I say, and we both laugh. "Anyway, how's your life in America?"
"Good, good." Levi says. "I may be dropping out of school soon because we've got exciting plans for the Tide."
"That sounds so cool." I say. "I think that's illegal in the UK."
"Oh." He laughs. "You're the same age as me right? 17?"
"How did your parents allow you to fly over here? Mine would never let me go anywhere alone!" Levi moans.
"I've been building up trust with my Dad for a good few years now. You wait though, he'll be ringing me in a couple of hours. He's already texted me hundreds of times," I laugh, shaking my head.
"What did your mum say? My mum is so anxious about me."
"Erm- she didn't say anything much." I say, quickly.
"Okay?" Levi says, questioningly.
"Sorry," I laugh. "I don't know why I said that like that!"
"No, no, it's fine!" He laughs. "On a serious note, I really like you."
Well that was quite sudden.
"Well, I really like you too, Levi." I say slowly, and his face lights up. "But, I've known you less than 24 hours. We can't do anything about it now. It's way too soon."
"But in the future?" He asks.
"If we still know each other, there is a chance." I say.
"I'll work with that." He smiles, before the others swim towards us again.
I never thought on my first full day of being in America, a new boy would be telling me he has some sort of interest. I've never had any British boy approach me, ever. I think I handled him quite well, though.

A Friends Friend | Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now