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Charlottes POV:
I am woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. 'Dad'. It is 11am and I can hear voices downstairs. I stretch, before picking up the phone.
"Hey," I say.
"Hello. Just checking up on you,"
"Okay," I say.
"What have you been up to?" He asks.
"Not much. Just been relaxing with Austin and some of his friends," I lie. He mustn't know about last night or he'll have me on the first flight home.
"I'm glad you're safe." He says. "You know how much I worry about you."
"I know, Dad." I laugh.
"By the way, is there any way you could change your flight?"
"What?" I ask.
"We're going down to Wales to visit your cousins when you get back." He says. "I don't want you coming back to an empty house." My dads priorities are weird. He lets me jet off to LA alone for weeks, and doesn't contact me for days- but he won't let me stay in my own house for a few days.
"Well I'm not coming to Wales." I say. I'm not getting off the plane, tired and delirious to meet my judgemental family who will all be assuming that the only reason I came out here was to meet boys.
"That's fine, you'll just have to change your flight to a later time. I'll text you the date we're arriving home." How's that going to work if I have nowhere to stay here?!
"Fine, Dad. Hope you're doing okay." I say.
"I am. Speak to you soon. Night night." He says.
"Night," I giggle, as I get out of bed.

I quickly go and wash and change into shorts and a grey top.
"Morning," Nate smiles.
"Morning," I say, before wandering down the stairs. Levi, Drew and Austin are all sat on the sofas.
"Morning," they all say.
"Morning, guys," I laugh. I go into the kitchen to make myself a late breakfast, and I can feel a presence behind me. I turn and realise it's Levi.
"How are you?" He asks.
"Bit rough. But I'm okay. How are you feeling?" I ask.
"Fine," he says. "About, erm, last night, you know, erm,"
"Spin the bottle," I laugh, slowly.
"Yeah, that." He says, as his cheeks turn red.
"I don't remember the bulk of it, just that we kissed, then you and Drew kissed." I state. There isn't a need to be awkward about it.
"Oh, okay. I was just wondering if you remembered. Are you.. Okay with everything that happened?" He asks.
"I'm fine, Levi," I smile. "Come here," I say, before he opens his arms and hugs me. "One question though," I say.
"Yeah?" He asks nervously.
"Who was a better kisser?" I laugh.
"Oh, Drew, no doubt," he jokes. We both step into the living room and sit on the sofa.
"What do you guys want to do today?" Austin asks.
"We should go into town," Drew suggests.
"That's a good idea," we all agree.

Sorry for the abrupt ending, I cut this short so that the next one isn't longer than the bible. Hope you enjoyed this little hungover chapter, see you at chapter 10!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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