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Charlottes POV:
So far, this has been a really nice holiday. All the boys have made me feel so welcome. It's an added bonus that they're all gorgeous. And Levi called me beautiful last night. It's probably just a casual name he gives to everyone but no one has called me beautiful since the silly little boy from primary school who I would look after. I don't know why I remember that. On remembering things: they have a band! The Wave? The Tide. I'm going to go down and have breakfast in my dressing gown and hope they aren't already up and filming a cover.
"Morning, Charlotte." Drew says, smiling.
"Morning. Did you sleep well?" I ask, as we plod down the stairs.
"Good thanks." He says. "What are you going to eat? We picked up loads at Walmart last night."
"Did you get any cereal?" I ask. If not, I'd just have toast or something.
"Yes we did. You go and sit on that sofa and I'll make it for you." Drew says.
"Really? Thanks," I smile. A few minutes later, he comes over with my cereal and a cup of tea. "Thank you very much."
"No problem," Drew smiles. We eat quietly for a few minutes, before chatting.
"I'm so glad you weren't already filming your cover, if I was in the background of that looking like this, I'd be humiliated!" I laugh.
"You look fine!" Drew says. "I think we're setting up about 10:30, if all the boys are up by then,"
"Okay, I'll get dressed before then then." I say.
"The floor is lava was good last night," Drew laughs.
"Yeah," I reply after a mouthful of cereal. I feel like questioning him about Levi's comment.
"Nothing! Just... Nothing, really." I insist, munching away.
"I don't believe you."
"Well, Levi just said something and it's probably just normal but I don't know." I sigh.
"Was it when you both fell?"
"Yeah," I admit, finishing my breakfast.
"I thought you noticed that. I think he likes you."
"Would you like me to wash your dish up?" Drew interrupts quickly, standing up. "I wasn't meant to say anything," he whispers.
"Can't you say more?" I ask.
"I'm afraid I'm sworn to secrecy. I'd be kicked out the band." We laugh. He takes the breakfast dishes out into the kitchen, and I go up the stairs. I can hear music coming from Austins room. I knock.
"Come in!" He shouts.
"Morning," I say, entering his room, where he is sat on the side of his bad with his laptop blasting All Time Low. "Nice music choice."
"Thanks. How are you today?"
"Good, thanks." I say. "What do you reckon we will do today?" I ask.
"I don't know. I would say you choose, but you don't really know many places in LA, do you?"
"None at all," I laugh.
"We'll sort something out then." He says. "Hey, are you okay with all the other boys? The last thing I want is for you to feel at all awkward."
"I don't, they're all actually really nice and it's nice to meet some new people." I grin. "Thank you so much for this trip, Aust, it means a lot."
"No problem," he smiles. I suddenly have a massive yawn.
"Oh sorry," I say, covering my mouth.
"Jet lagged at all?" He laughs.
"Mmm, you could say that again." I laugh. "Right, I'm going to get dressed. See you downstairs." I say, leaving his room and going back into mine.
After getting changed into a lacy top, shorts and trainers, sorting my hair out and putting minimal make up on, then laying in bed again for a while, at 10:50, the time they should be in the middle of filming, I go downstairs. In the corner of my eye, I see them all set up with guitars and Nate sat on a drumming stool.
"What are you all doing?" I ask.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. We're in a band. We're called The Tide." Austin says, proudly. I feel SO bad for lying to him like this. I feel like he's paid for me to fly over here and make a fool of him. It's not even a big deal, I just wish we were being honest with him. I look to the other boys. Nate has his eyes drooped, looking guilty, Drew looks worried, and Levi has a huge smile on his face. He must be an awful liar.
"That sounds so cool, I can't believe none of you have told me! What are you filming now?" I ask.
"It's an original song," Nate says.
"That sounds great! Can I watch?" I ask.
"Sure," they all respond. I sit on the sofa opposite where they're looking into a professional looking lens. Apart from Levi. His light blue eyes keep shifting towards me. Whenever they mess up, he moves his hand through his dark, curly hair, and averts his eyes to his feet, which he kicks about over his chair every now and then. He keeps sitting up straight in the cutest way, as if a way for him to stay focused. He just looks so attractive. He likes me? Well, I think I might maybe just like him a little bit too.

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