Chapter 4

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Cat Noir's POV:

Ladybug used her lucky charm but I had no clue what it she was going to do with a replica of her yo-yo. 

"What the heck am I meant to do with this?!" She exclaimed, looking around us. "I can't find anything to use this. We're gonna need another plan." She noted as she hit him numerous times around the head and I attacked his legs. We went at it attacking each part of him for what seemed like forever.

"Whenever you have a plan, M'lady, I'd love to hear it!" I exclaimed as he made a grab for me I leaped out of the way, landing near the edge of the building. 

"Cat Noir! The medallion!" Ladybug yelled as I saw the spiral pendant around his neck. Gotcha. I thought as I jumped back onto the roof.

"You don't want to hurt me. I'm your friend." Psychic said as the spiral started swirling again. I closed my eyes and tuned out his voice. If I can't see or hear him, I shouldn't be affected by him. "Cataclysm!!!" I yelled and charged forward. 

"Cat Noir! WAIT!!!" Ladybug yelled as I touched something. I opened my eyes and found that my hand had caught her in the chest. She gasped as I immediately took my hand away. Her chest was a darker red than the rest of her costume. She didn't crumble like everything else, she collapsed on the ground barely breathing.

"Ladybug!" I yelled as I sat down next by her. That dream wasn't just a dream. It was a damn vision. I thought as I held Ladybug, trying hard not to cry. I was lost in sadness that I imagined Rena Rouge saying "Cat Noir, don't move." The next thing I know, me and Ladybug we engulfed in a dim light. I shielded my eyes, as the light died down I found myself looking at a copy of me.

"Come and get me, you fat ugly." The fake yelled as it leaped off of the roof. The news chopper followed keeping them in view. What the heck?! I thought as I finally allowed myself to cry, gently rocking Ladybug. "I'm sorry, M'lady..." I mumbled as she opened her eyes. 

"It's alright, kitty..." she muttered as she breathed in sharply, wiping away some of my tears. 

Rena Rouge landed next to me and looked shocked. "What happened?" She asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I accidentally Cataclysmed her..." I whispered as I practically wilted in despair. Rena tried to calm me down but it did practically nothing.

"Cat Noir... Rena... I've figured out my lucky charm..." She said shakily as Rena moved next to me, trying not to cry.

"Yes, Bugaboo." I told her softly, readjusting into a more comfortable position.

"I don't think... I'm going to be Ladybug for a while..." She told us as we looked at each other in shock. She didn't even scold me when I called her Bugaboo. I thought as I held her hand in mine.

"What you you mean? Who else would take your role?" Rena questioned softly as she ran her hand through Ladybug's hair.

"We need Scarabella... to take my place." Ladybug mumbled as she reached for her earrings.

"What are you doing?" I demanded as she smiled at me weakly.

"Following my heart, my prince." Ladybug told me as she gestured for me to come closer. I leaned in close as she whispered something. "You're the best partner I could ask for." She whispered as she kissed me on the cheek.

I sat up as Rena called for the paramedic robots. "You're gonna be alright, Ladybug." I muttered as she mumbled something. Her costume started disappearing slowly. I screwed my eyes shut as she de-transformed.

Rena Furtive's POV: 

I watched as my best friend pulled out her earrings and handed them to me. "You know what to do with these..." Ladybug muttered as her eyes started fluttering open and shut. 

"Of course." I agreed as I nodded. I hadn't been trusted with Ladybug's miraculous since Hack-San attacked, trapping nearly everyone in Paris. I wondered how I was going to be able to be a good enough partner for Cat Noir. Until the robots flew in on the helicopter ambulance, lowering down a stretcher.

"Please move away from injured personal." The robot in charge said as I backed off, pulling Cat Noir up as well. He reluctantly let go of Ladybug's hand as he stood up. He kept his eyes shut, knowing that he shouldn't know Ladybug's true identity. They placed an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose as they got her in the stretcher. Tikki flew behind me unnoticed, watching with fear. "Thank you for your co-operation. We will do what we can to help Ladybug." They said as the stretcher was loaded into the helicopter and it took off.

"It's all my fault." Cat Noir mumbled as slumped back down, slamming his fist into the floor.

"It's not, Cat Noir." I tried to reassure him but he just glared.

"Who else is to blame for this? I've hurt the one person I love and she probably won't get better." He snapped as he stood back up, looking at his ring. "I need to charge up my miraculous again before we go after that thing." He informed as he entered the tower slamming the door behind him. Believe me Cat Noir, I know how you feel. I thought as I watched the helicopter in the distance.

"Is Ladybug going to be ok?" I asked Tikki who flew in front of me. I couldn't risk Cat Noir knowing Ladybug's secret if he was eavesdropping.

"I don't know, Rena. I managed to take most of the damage from her and repaired myself." Tikki explained, still looking very worried. "But humans are fragile, she'll have to do most of the work herself if she going to recover. The doctors will do what they can, but that's all anyone can do." She admitted sadly.

"Cat Noir will be heartbroken if the worst happens..." I mumbled aloud, hoping that Cat Noir wouldn't go crazy on this thing when we fight that thing again.

Trust Issues...  AU Miraculous FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now