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At the ass crack of dawn, I sneak out the front door of Eric's apartment. He informed me I need to avoid cameras on my way to the dorm. It's still so dark that it's hard to see which direction I need to go. At the bottom of the stairs, I stop to remember which way I am supposed to turn. After a few moments, I decide to go left.

In hopes I'm going in the right direction, I continue on for around thirty minutes. I think I have gotten lost, but to my relief, the doors of the dorm come into view. Light on my feet, I slip inside. I peel off Eric's shirt and toss it into my trunk. Sarah shifts in the bed next to me and I freeze. She settles back down and silence fills the air again. With a sigh, I release the breath I was holding and climb into bed. After getting comfortable, I close my eyes, allowing sleep to overtake me once again.


Clang, Clang.

The hellish sound jolts me upright in bed as my brother stands at the entryway smirking. As soon as our eyes meet, he wipes the smirk from his face and turns away from me. The hollow feeling I grew up with rises in my chest and I have to ground myself to get it to pass. To my left, Sarah is already awake and dressed, which is unusual for her. I don't question it and go to start a conversation with her. However, she doesn't reply and turns her back to me, effectively giving me the cold shoulder. The hollow feeling returns, but it's worse than before. Grounding myself won't help this time.

The silent treatment continues the entire way to the dining hall. Inside, we eat in an uncomfortable silence. Part of me wants to ask her what's wrong, but another part just wants to crawl into a hole and disappear to where no one can hurt me. After warring with myself inside my brain for several minutes, I decide to speak up.

"What's going on? Why won't you talk to me?"

No answer. She just rolls her eyes and continues eating as if I'm not right in front of her.

"Sarah, please... just talk to me. I can't fix it if you don't."

She scoffs and looks at me for the first time today. I give her my best puppy dog eyes and she sighs.

"Your hiding something from me and that hurts. I thought we were friends." She says.

"What?! We are friends!" I say too loudly, getting the attention of a few people nearby.

"Then tell me what is going on. When we went to bed, you weren't in the dorm. Not to mention both four and Eric are being weird around you."

"Sarah... I want to tell you, I really do, but I can't. Not right now, at least." I reply.

"Look, I'm not gonna tell anyone. Just please let me know what's going on." she pleads.

"Okay fine. So, as I'm sure you've noticed, Eric has taken a liking to me."

"I knew it. You're sleeping with him!" she whispers, bouncing up and down in her seat.

"No, we haven't crossed that line, but I have slept in his bed." I laugh in response.

"Wait, you've slept in his bed?!"

"yes. Only twice though."

"Oh, my god! I knew it was coming. He has the hots for you." She says.

"You can't tell anyone. If anyone, especially the other leaders, finds out, he'll lose his job and I'll be factionless." I say.

"My lips are sealed."

"Thats not all though."

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Four is my brother." I say.

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