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Two weeks have elapsed since I last spoke to my brother. It seems as if the tables have completely turned. I am no longer angry with him while he on the other hand cannot stand the sight of me. Tobias was never supposed to find out about Eric and me. Hell, I do not even know what Eric and I am and Now that both Tobias and Tris know things have not been great. How can someone who claims they love you turn their back on your so quickly. It hurts me every time I try to approach him, and he turns and walks in the opposite direction.

On the other hand, things with Eric have not been the best either. He has been distant, and I have not been back to his apartment. While he barely talks to me, I catch him throwing glares at Tobias any time he decides to turn his back and ignore me. This whole situation is frustrating, and the worst part is that I cannot really talk to anyone about it. I mean yeah I have Sarah and she suspects something is going on, but it's not like I can just come out and say hey by the way, Eric and I having something going on and my brother who happens to be Four caught us kissing and now neither one of them is really paying attention to me. I am sure shed turn her back on me to if she knew the full extent.

To try and cope with my misery I am strolling down the dark hallways in the direction of the tattoo parlor. I have been there three times this past week. Each time I have added a new tattoo to my collection. The second tattoo I got is the constellation to my zodiac sign, which is Libra, placed on the inner bicep of my left arm. The next one after that is an anchor with the quote, I refuse to sink on my right collar bone. The last one is three birds similar to Tris's. the only difference between hers and mine is that I got the words be brave added next to the birds. This tattoo is on my left collar bone.

As I step into the dark shop Tony, the artist who has done all of my tattoos looks up at me with a questioning glance.

"weren't you in here just yesterday?" he chuckles as he makes his way over to me.

"Yup and now I'm back." I reply

"Just can't get enough can you."

"Nope." I say popping the p

"What are you looking to get this time?" he asks as we make our way over to his station.

"I want a very detailed very realistic mermaid. I want it in color, and I want it to cover the majority of my right thigh." I tell him without missing a breath.

"what colors?"

"hmm... I am not so sure. How about you choose some colors you think will look good and put them in when you draw up the design." I respond

"I can do that. Also, it may take me a little bit to draw this up since it is such a big tattoo." He informs me.

"I know. I will look around while or drawing. Hell, I may even get a piercing or two." I stated tapping my chin thoughtfully.

"jeez girl. What are you a masochist." He chuckles

"Maybe." I reply winking at him.

"Well if you want a couple piercings let me go get Vince and he can get those taken care of for you."

"Alrighty then. I will be here." I state

Shaking his head Tony leaves the room and I am left to look around at my increasingly familiar surroundings. This place has quickly become my escape from reality. It is not long before Tony comes back with a red headed man who I assume is Vince. After he introduces us, Tony heads back to the backroom to begin the process of sketching up the latest piece of artwork that will forever hold a place on my body. Vince quickly gets down to business with getting the materials out. Once he has finished that he turns to me.

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