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This chap will be about y/n.



Y/N is on a date with her boyfriend Jake.

Y/N and jake had been dating for 2 months now.

Y/N didn't tell her parents about her BF.

Y/N met Jake at a park and it was love at first site.

Jake is two year older than y/n (same as taehyung age)

Jake never get physical or clingy with y/n and this behavior of Jake attracted y/n.

Y/N confessed to Jake that she like him and wanted to take a step ahead in this relationship and become gf and bf.

Jake accepted y/n proposal.

Little did she know that Jake was cheating on her because he is just after money and also before y/n he had done this to many other girls. He along with his real girlfriend SOMI scammed innocent and young girls and run away with their money.

Make them fall for him by showing his gentlemen side. When the girl started believing them, he fake his kidnapping and ask money and as soon as he receives money he left that country.


Y/N: Jake.... My studies will soon be over and after that i have to go back to Korea so i was thinking about telling our parents about our relationship.

JAKE: Don't you think its a little early. We just started dating.

Y/N: Yeah but as we are dating and also love each other then i don't think so we should keep it a secret.

JAKE: I don't have any problem with that. But obviously your dad ask about my job and all that stuff.

Y/N: Yeah..... My parents will ask about your job and work but it is not that important.

JAKE: As you know my work is simple and small. I work as an employee in an import and export conpany. The company is not as big as your father's and not that much successful.

Jake thought: U wanna know my work. I am a con man and scammed people for money. And just like other you are my prey.

Y/N: That's not a big deal. My dad would never reject you just because you are a simple guy. He know money is important but before that relations and happiness comes.

JAKE: Yeah...... But please should we keep it a secret just for a little more. I am searching a new job which will be better than this one. Then we can tell your parents about our relationship.

Y/N: Its okay...... For you i can do that.

She said while smiling and taking Jake's hand in her hand.

JAKE: Should we go now. Its getting late. My break time will be over and i have to reach to the company before that.

Y/N: Sure. Lets go


Jake walk y/n to her apartment and then went to his job.

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