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After y/n left him jake didn't bother about her that much because to him she was just one of his prey.

Jake started searching for his new prey as he was short for money but he couldn't find any. His money slowly started to finish. His girlfriend left him because he was left with no money.

Jake didn't left with any option except returning to korea to his parents. His parents didn't knew about him being a con man. To them he is just a person who don't wanna work but want to love in peace and can earn money without any hard work. Therefore his father told him that if he wanted to live in their house he has to earn.

His father talked to one of his friend and requested him to gave Jake a job in his hotel. As they were on good terms he offered Jake a job.

Jake was doing his job as a waiter at his father's friend's hotel. But he was habitual to short cuts in earning money. So he again started to look for his prey to scamm them.



Taehyung was working in his cabin when someone barge in his office without knocking. Taehyung look at the person and he was


Jungkook is taehyung's childhood friend and also work in his company as a head manager. He was in a leave for one week because he had to visit his home town for some personal reasons. That's why he wasn't able to attend taehyung's wedding.

Jungkook thought about violet is same as jimin. Both jimin and jungkook didn't like her but jungkook never showed this.

Jimin already told jungkook what happened in this one week except the divorce part.


Taehyung looked at the person and he was Jeon Jungkook (his childhood buddy). He gave jungkook his famous boxy smile and hugged him.

TAE: Bro finally you are back. Good to see you again.

JK: Yes... I m back. And yes Good to see you too.

TAE: How was your trip? Did everything went smoothly?

JK: Yeah everything went great. But first tell me you got married and you didn't even tell me. ( he said making a pout)

TAE: It was just an arrange marriage for business reasons and nothing else.

JK: Still...... It was still a marriage and we deserve a treat. Invite us to dinner.

TAE: Listen jungkook------

He was cut by jungkook

JK: You don't have to invite us. We are inviting ourselves to your house at dinner. Okay.... Byeeeeee.

With that jk left without giving taehyung a chance to speak.

Taehyung sigh accepting his defeat and called y/n to prepare dinner for his friends. He also told her to dress and act well in front of them.


Since y/n and taehyung got married he never saw y/n in proper dressing. She always wear pyjamas in house that's why he specially told her to get dressed.


Y/N prepared dinner and went to get ready.

This is what she wore

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