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HENRY: I m going inside his cabin to give him this file.

JIMIN: Okay but remember one thing. As soon as you handed him file you have to leave the office immediately. Don't let him catch you. Okay.

HENRY: Yeah yeah okay. Now bye.



I was working in my office when someone knock on the door.

I said come in.

Then an unknown person came in with a file in his hand.

I questioned him

TAE: Yes???

MAN: Can i have a talk with you. I just required 2 mins fron your precious time.

I gestured him to sit down at the chair in front of my desk.

TAE: Yes Mr...?

MAN: My name is Henry. I m a private detective.

TAE: A private detective? Why are you here?

MAN: A man hired me to spy on his son as he was suspicious of his activities. For the past 2 weeks I've been spying on his son. And my this investigation leads me here. To you Mr Kim Taehyung.

TAE: To me? (I said pointing towards my self) Am i related to the man? (I asked him confuse)

MAN: No you are not. But you are someone who needs to know about this information.

I raised an eyebrow to him

TAE: Come to the point.

MAN: Though i don't have any personal rivalry towards you or i say i want to hurt you but as i was doing research on that man i also have to know about you.

I sigh in frustration and said

TAE: You have 2 mins. Spill the tea otherwise i m calling security.

MAN: According to me you are innocent and kind hearted and you don't deserve this. So i decided to help you out. This is the file. You have to take a look at this file then you can understand everything.

He handed me the file and quickly escape the room.

I was dumbfounded. I didn't understand what he wanted to say. I started to look at the file.

As i was going through the file anger rush into my viens. The file was full of pictures of violet with a man. Every detail of her visit. Her transaction details. Her flight details. Everything. She was cheating on me.

I was angry at the same time i was sad. I gave her this much love just to receive this. What haven't i done for her.

I went outside of the cabin and asked jimin

TAE: Just a while ago a man left my office. Who was him?

JIMIN: What are you talking about. I was in the cafeteria. I just came here.

Taehyung sigh

TAE: Check the cctv footage. I want to know who was that.

JIMIN: What happened? Why are you so angry? At least tell me..

I asked jimin to come inside my cabin. I showed him the file. He was silent.

TAE: Now tell me. Why are you silent.

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