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The cab had arrived and taehyung is loading luggage in the car. They didn't had their breakfast today.

Y/N airport fashion

Taehyung airport fashion

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Taehyung airport fashion

Y/N was a little sleepy in the morning as she couldn't sleep well last night because of excitement

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Y/N was a little sleepy in the morning as she couldn't sleep well last night because of excitement.

They both reached airport and wait for their flight announcement. Soon the flight was announced and they enter the airplane.

Taehyung was loading luggage when y/n asked

Y/N: Can i sit by the window?

TAE: Of course

Y/N happily took the seat. Taehyung chuckled at her behavior.

During the flight y/n was looking outside the window. Its not her first time but she really loved travelling through airplane. She forgot her tiredness and enjoy the view outside.

Taehyung hold y/n's hand in his hands and cressed her with his thumb.

Y/N looked at taehyung and taehyung just smiled at her. She also gave a small smile to taehyung and again started looking outside the window.

Taehyung didn't let go of her hand during the whole flight and y/n also didn't mind it.


Imagine this as your hotel room

Imagine this as your hotel room

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