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Y/N woke up and found that taehyung was not beside her. She thinks about last night.


I don't know why but i was really comfortable with taehyung. All my fears literally faded away when i was in his embrace. I know I love him and i really want him to love me back. But i don't know whether yesterday's behavior was out of love or pity.

Y/N was about to get off from bed when the bathroom door opened and taehyung came out in his casual outfit.

(Ignore the racket 😬)

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(Ignore the racket 😬)

TAE: Good Morning.

Y/N: Morning.

TAE: Go freshen up. Clothes are already in the bathroom and i already ordered breakfast. It will be here any minute.

Y/N nodded and went to bathroom.

Taehyung also shared about the last incident with jimin and jungkook.

Y/N came out looking like this

Y/N came out looking like this

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She can pull off every outfit. She looks gorgeous and cute even in this casual outfit.

They both eat breakfast. Taehyung was extra soft with y/n, not because of yesterday's incident but because he is sure of his feelings towards y/n and is happy that she is with him. He'll gonna show his love and care to y/n that even if she didn't love him he'll gonna make her fall for him.

After breakfast they both went home. Taehyung didn't cancel the deal with the hotel because it was not theirs fault. It was only Jake's fault and he will gonna be punished for his sin.


After reaching home y/n went to her room and jumped on her bed and thought

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