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VIOLET: Sorry babe..... I burnt the pancakes..... I don't know how to cook.

She said with a sad pout .

TAE: Its okay darling.... You don't have to do this. When we'll get married i wont let you do any house chores.

He said while cressing her cheeks.

Tae and violet have been dating since 6 months. They also live together. Taehyung parents didn't knew about it. Tae love violet a lot.

Violet is with taehyung only because of his money. Because he is the most successful businessman. She is a gold digger. She is cheating on her with another man.

Taehyung is unaware of this.


TAE DAD: I want you to get married.


TAE DAD: I have found someone who will be perfect for you. She is my friend's daughter. We want you to get married for business purpose on coming Sunday.

TAE: Wait Dad..... You r telling me to get married.... All of a sudden with someone whom i didn't know..... Not even her name...... This coming Sunday..... Wait today is Thursday..... It means after 2 days..... Dad..

Tae said this shoked but not rudely.

TAE DAD: Its because of business son. You will get their company also. And as far as it about knowing someone, it is not difficult. My marriage was also arranged and you witnessed that we had lived a happy life. Arranged marriages are not bad.

TAE: But dad

TAE DAD: NO buts. You are going to marry her. She is a nice girl.

With that his father went to work.

TAE thought: I didn't tell my parents about Violet. I also don't want to disappoint them. Because in their pov i m single. But i love Violet. I can't break her heart. What should i do now.

Taehyung also left for office.


Taehyung told this to jimin(his secretary and best friend)

JIMIN: From the beginning i was against your and Violet relationship. She gave such bad vibes. I don't know why you love her.

TAE: I didn't tell you this so that you could badmouth about my love. I told you this so that you can help me.

JIMIN: You should marry the girl your father chose for you. She must be nice and way better than violet.

TAE: Great (started clapping 👏👏) I told you to help me out and here you are saying to get married to an unknown girl. And by the way why do you hate violet so much?

JIMIN: I just don't like her. Her dressing, her behavior, her personality. Also she get clingy and extra friendly with other boys. Why can't you see that. Are you that blind.

TAE: She is a cheerful girl that's why she gets friendly. Its nothing wrong in having male friends. And about dressing we shouldn't judge someone by that. Everyone have their own sence of fashion.

Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now