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Its been more than one month to your marriage.

Taehyung started to treat y/n nicely and lovingly. He still didn't confess to her but showed by his actions that he cared for her.

Y/N also started to love taehyung. She is definite about her feelings towards taehyung. She knows she love taehyung but she didn't want to accept this as she knows what will be the end of their relationship. But taehyung's behavior was making it difficult for y/n.

Today was sunday and y/n and taehyung were in home. Y/N was watching TV while taehyung was doing sone work on hus laptop but in the living room.


Both were in the living room when the door bell 🔔 rings

Y/N opened the door and there was Taehyung's parents.

Taehyung's mom hugged y/n and y/n welcomed them inside. Taehyung greeted his parents.

They came in the living room and said

TAE DAD: Still doing work on sunday.

TAE MOM: You didn't change. At least on sundays spend time with y/n instead of wasting it like this.

TAE: How can you say work as a waste of time. (He said while pouting)

Y/N smile a little bit after looking at taehyung cute behavior with his parents.

TAE DAD: We are here to tell you a very important thing.

TAE: What is it. Is it serious?

TAE MOM: We are going to Busan.

TAE: All of a sudden why? (He asked being confused)

TAE DAD: Our property agent called us and told us that there been a little problem with the property papers. So we have to go there.

TAE MOM: It happened so fast that we didn't get time to tell you that we are going today.

TAE: Today?

TAE DAD: Yeah we should get going now.

Y/N: At least have lunch with us then go. (Y/N said politely)

TAE DAD: No my child. Our flight is in two hours. We have to leave now. We just came here to tell you about this.

TAE MOM: Don't worry next time when we'll come we sure eat the food you make. Your mother had told me that you cook really good.

Y/N smiled at her statement.

TAE: It's true. Her cooking is great.

Y/N looked at taehyung being shocked.

He never appreciate my cooking or praise me and now all of a sudden saying it in front of his parents. Ohh yeah we have to act like a couple. God......pabo (fool) me what was i thinking. But why can't he love me for real? Why can't this be true?

Taehyung mother laughed at taehyung statement and said

TAE MOM: Don't worry when we came back we surely think about sending you both to honeymoon.

Y/N blushed at her statement while taehyung just awkwardly smile.

TAE DAD: Come let's go. We'll gonna miss our flight.

With that they both left and y/n quickly went to her room to avoid any awkward moment with taehyung after that honeymoon talk.

Taehyung chuckled at y/n behavior and thought while smiling ear to ear

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