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Y/N was sitting in the lobby. Looking here and there. Impatiently waiting for taehyung. Then suddenly a waiter came and asked

WAITER: Are you Mrs Kim?

Y/N: Yes

WAITER: Mr Kim send me to tell you that he is waiting for you in the corridor.

Y/N: Ok. Thank you.

Y/N went to the corridor but there was no one. She looked here and there but there was nothing just silence. Her heart started to beat faster. Her breath increases then suddenly someone spoke with a deep voice

?? : Looking for someone babygirl?

Y/N turn around and saw none other than Jake slowly approaching her with a smirk on his face and eyes full of anger. His dark gaze was piercing her soul.

Y/N: w-w-what are y-you do-doing here?

She said while stuttering.

JAKE: Stuttering huh..... Are you already scared?

He said sarcastically.

Jake was talking steps towards y/n while y/n was continuously going backwards untill her back hit the wall. Her eyes widened when she realize that this is the dead end.

Jake strongly put his hands on the wall more like slapping the wall and caged y/n between his arms.

Y/N gasped in horror.

Jake said in a stern voice angrily

JAKE: What do you think of yourself huh??

Y/N flinced as his voice raised.

Y/N: Please let me go.

She said in a crack voice controlling her tears.

JAKE: You should think of this before slapping me baby girl.

He said with a smirk.

Y/N: I-i am s-so-sorry please let m-me g-go.

Y/N pleaded him while she was at the verge of crying.

JAKE: I promise I'll let you go but let me enjoy first.

Y/N: w-w-what do y-you mean?

Jake slapped y/n so hard that she fell on the ground. Because of the slap a handprint appear on her cheeks. She started crying and apologizing.

Y/N: I-i am s-so-sorry please l-let m-me g-go.

Jake pulled y/n up and pushed her against the wall really hard that she whimper in pain.

Jake forced himself on y/n and started liking y/n's neck. She started screaming and crying loudly. She felt disgusted by his touch. She was trying to free herself but jake pinned her both hands above her head.


Taehyung came back to lobby and he didn't saw y/n.

He thought maybe she went to bathroom so he waited for her. He waited for like 5 mins but y/n didn't came back.

So he asked the receptionist and she said

RECEPTIONIST: I saw her going toward there.

Taehyung went towards the corridor he heard someone screaming. When he reached there he saw a man was forcing himself on y/n while y/n was a crying mess.

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