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Third pov

"Hyung, can we talk? Please?" Wooyoung asked as he entered Seonghwa's dorm room. Seonghwa placed a bookmark in his book before he sat upright on his bed.

"What's up, Woo? Are you okay?" Seonghwa asked. Wooyoung shrugged before he slumped down beside Seonghwa on his bed.

"I know you said that when I was changed my emotions would all get stronger, but I didn't know that that also meant love..." Seonghwa's shoulder grew damp from the younger vampire's tears.

"I didn't know that I even had any feelings for Yeosang, not until I watched him save Jongho. And- and my feelings for San didn't change at all; they just grew stronger. Hyung, I don't wanna come between them at all, but I... I love San." Wooyoung confessed.

   "Woo, do you want me to sugarcoat my response or tell it to you straight?"

   "Just say it."

   "Wooyoung, Yeosang and San are mates. They love each other deeply despite how shortly ago they met. They will not be able to love anyone else in the same way they love each other. I don't think there is anything you can do to make San or Yeosang reciprocate those feelings," Seonghwa said. Wooyoung nodded his head, but his tears didn't cease.

"I should just get my closure, huh?" Wooyoung asked, laughing dryly. Seonghwa gave his friend a somber smiled but nodded anyway.

"Will I lose my friendships with Sannie or Yeosang because of this?" Wooyoung asked softly.

"I really doubt either one would want to stop being your friend, Woo. You know San wouldn't cut ties with you at all; you've been his best friend and closest confidant for his whole life," Seonghwa said, trying to comfort Wooyoung.

Yeosang's pov

"Geez, Sannie, control your strength," I wheezed as my boyfriend hugged me tightly.

I've been trying to teach him how to act like a human again, and he struggled with controlling his sudden new strength.

  He gasped and released me quickly. His eyes were wide and slightly fearful as I began to catch my breath.

  "Baby, I'm-"

  "Don't apologize, Sannie, it's not your fault. You've only been a vampire for a week. While you don't necessarily need to be half as gentle with me as you would a human, you still need the practice. Pretend that instead of me being a person, I'm some kind of docile animal. You wouldn't want to hurt a kitten or a bunny, so try again with that in mind," I advised as I opened my arms again. San nodded and tried again, grinning widely as I returned the hug just as gently.

   "That's better, babe. Approach humans gently, as you don't want to harm them, however, should we meet anyone who's aggressive, you don't need to act as carefully. I know you hate the idea of causing anyone pain, but you cannot let that stand in the way of you keeping your life, okay?" I said. San nodded as he laid his head on my shoulder. I smiled softly and rubbed his back.

"I love you," San spoke softly before kissing my cheek. My heart felt fuller hearing his words.

"I love you," I responded, a smile forcing its way onto my face. San began to lean closer to kiss me before a knock sounded on our door.

"Are you expecting anyone?" San asked. I shook my head but left to open the door anyway. I stood still at the door for a few seconds before opening it as the familiar scent of wooyoung infiltrated my nostrils.

Said vampire was stood at our door, seemingly about to turn away to leave before I stopped him. I took in the disheveled sight of my friend- eyes red and puffy, hair going on every direction, shoulders slumped- before I yanked him inside my room.

"Youngie, are you okay?" San asked once the door was shut again. Wooyoung brushed my hands off of himself before he made space between San and I and himself.

"No, San, I'm not. I haven't been okay since we met." Wooyoung confided, his eyes welling with tears again. San stepped closer to Wooyoung to bring him into a hug before Wooyoung backed up. San's eyes grew misty seeing his best friend back away from him quickly.

"What happened, Wooyoung? What did I do wrong? Did I hurt you?" San asked softly as his tears trickled down slowly. I was quick to pull San back to my side and wrap an arm around his waist to keep him in place.

"You didn't hurt me, San, I hurt myself," wooyoung laughed dryly, "I hurt myself by thinking I had a real chance with you. The day I planned to confess, Yeosang showed up and swept you off your feet. I can't even be mad at him for it, San. He treats you so sweetly and gently, and always cares for you and your life more than his own.

"When we came into class, I saw how your eyes lit up as they landed on Yeosang. You... you immediately fell for him. You knew nothing about him apart from his name, but still fell for him, detailing me privately about the little habits of his you noticed.

   "It hurts, San. It hurts to know that I've been by your side for our whole lives- that I've loved you for the last six years- but all it took was one look from Yeosang to captivate you.

  "I am happy that you love each other, so don't misunderstand me. I'm ecstatic to see you healing again, San. It just hurts that I couldn't even begin to put a dent in healing your suffering, but Yeosang came in and is helping you heal again.

   "I love you, San. It's always been you. Though I gained feelings for others and harmed myself through it, what I felt for them never amounted to what I feel for you.

  "I know this has all been sudden, and I am truly sorry, San, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. Especially not now that you've found your mate. Don't look for me, Sannie. Seonghwa Hyung and Hongjoong Hyung booked me tickets out of South Korea, and I'm leaving today.

  "I will come back to you, eventually, but for now I need to work on myself. I can't stand the pain of watching you love someone else any longer. Goodbye, Choi San." Wooyoung spoke alone for a while, not giving us a chance to get a single syllable in.


   "You cannot sway me, San. I'm leaving. I just thought you should know why," Wooyoung gave a somber smile before sighing and leaving us alone.

   "Wooyoung, no! You can't leave me like this! You can't leave me alone! Please," San tore himself free of my arms around his waist and chased after his best friend, only to end up with an empty hallway before us. Wooyoung had sped away using his vampiric speed.

   "I lost him..." San broke down as he fell to his knees on the carpet.

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