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    Third pov

  The next morning, the five vampires and human who hadn't stayed in the hospital came to visit Mingi. Mingi was still laying calmly with his lover, who slept on his chest.

Jongho was the one of the six behind the door to have the courage to knock on the door. Mingi told them to come in.

A small smile rose on the injured human's lips as he saw his friends and one unfamiliar person.

Jongho took quick steps towards the pair on the hospital bed and knelt down beside them. He gently held Mingi's hand in both of his as his eyes welled up with tears.

"Are you going to be okay, Hyung?" Jongho asked softly, noticing Yunho was still asleep. Mingi's smile widened a little as he squeezed Jongho's hands gently.

"Of course I will be, Jongie. You don't have to worry about us Hyungs, okay? That's our job with you," Mingi said, teasing the younger man.

Jongho's tears had overflowed as Mingi held his hands. With his free hand, Mingi shook his lover awake.

  "What is it?" Yunho asked, his voice slurring from sleep.

  "Scoot over, asshat. We need to hold our baby," Mingi said. Yunho's sleepy eyes widened seeing Jongho's tears.

  "Oh, baby," Yunho mumbled, immediately making room between himself and Mingi. Jongho shook his head.

"Minnie Hyung, you're hurt! I can't-"

"I'm on some kinda painkiller, Jongie. I'm okay, so get up here," Mingi cut the younger off. Jongho looked at both of them, receiving nods of encouragement, so he slowly moved himself on the bed.

The pair of older men held the younger between themselves, caressing his cheek and back or playing with his hair.

"Are you five okay?" Yunho asked, looking towards the five vampires stood closer to the doorway.

San and Wooyoung were sobbing as Seonghwa, who was also crying, held both of them closely.

"Are you?" Yeosang asked. He wasn't sobbing like the prior mentioned three, but he was crying.

"Min and I are a bit shaken up, and he's injured, but we'll be okay with time, Yeosang Hyung. Oh, also, who is he?" Yunho asked, motioning towards Yeonjun, who was unfamiliar to himself.

"I'm Yeonjun; I'm a pure blood vampire, Seonghwa's cousin and Jongho's boyfriend," Yeonjun introduced himself. Yunho looked down at the man in his arms, who nodded his head.

"Nice, Jjongie, he's cute," Yunho said, getting a soft slap on his chest from the youngest.

"Yeah, and he's mine; stay in your lane with Minnie Hyung," Jongho mumbled. Yunho and Mingi laughed softly but agreed.

  "So, when am I getting out of this health prison?" Mingi asked once the room went silent.

   "Legally-anytime you want to- you could refuse to consent to treatment, and be discharged. I'm not letting you do that, though, Min. You're stuck here until Hongjoong Hyung or one of his colleagues says you're free to go," Yunho said. Mingi groaned and pouted.

  "I don't like staying still and staying inside the same four walls! It's boring!" Mingi whined. The six men familiar with Mingi laughed softly at his whining.

  "You need to heal well, Hyung." Jongho wiped his cheeks dry, finally his tears had slowed.

  "Fine, fine, but you better at least video call me everyday! You three crybabies at the door better for the same as well," Mingi teased the three vampires whose tears hadn't ceased.

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