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"Okay guys... so what's the plan for the video clip?" Dan asked. We had just made 'Man on a wire' our new single so that meant we had to make a new video clip and I was really curious about the idea for this one.

"Ok, so let's talk about the idea behind this song first. What's the meaning of it, how did you come up with it etcetera." The producer said. This is how it always went when we were creating a video clip.

"Well, we saw a documentary: man on wire. It's about a French guy who walked on a tightrope between the twin towers. When we saw it, we were like: wow you must be very crazy to do that shit. But we were also aware of what courage he must've had to do that. So that's basically how we came up with it." Glen said. I have a weird feeling in my stomach and I might know why...

"Okay, then! I think I have an idea. We will do a similar thing in the video clip. We will shoot a tightrope between two buildings and..."

"No way. I am not going to walk on a tightrope" I said while interrupting the producer. That is not going to happen. The lads all know about my fear of heights and I certainly will not walk a tightrope. No way. "But remember the guy from the documentary. Maybe it's good to face your fears. I know a lot of people will have so much respect for you if you're going to do it. I know I will" Dan said encouraging.

"But you don't understand. Imagine facing your worst fear... I know you won't like that." Glen nodded "Hey, if you're uncomfortable with it, you shouldn't do it. But I also think Dan has a bit of a point. I mean, imagine the feeling you would have after facing your fear of heights. We'd all be so proud of you, man." That made me smile. Glen always knew how to comfort people. And I think they're right... maybe I should do it.

"What if Dan would walk the tightrope, and then Glen, you can like drum on the edge of a building or something? And, Mark, we can let you do anything you're comfortable with." The producer said. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds ok. I might have an idea... I could, for example, play my guitar on a building?"

"Hmmm... Yeah that sounds like a good idea. But I might have got a better idea: what if you play your guitar on the side of a building? You'll be standing just above the ground, with safety cords and all that stuff, so you won't get hurt, that's for sure." The co-producer said, obviously very happy with his idea. I nodded once again. "Yeah I could do that..." I said.

"Great! Well, I think we should set a date. How about the 20th of February?" "Yeah, that sounds good. We'll see you then!" Dan said in excitement. Gosh, what have I gotten myself into...?

The 20th of February: shooting the video clip

Dan, Glen and I walked towards the building where we'll be recording the video clip. We flew all the way to Cape Town so this better be worth it. When we arrived at the building, we saw the producer and all his crew were already waiting on us. "Hey lads! So let's get straight to the point. I think we should shoot the scenes with Mark in it first."

"Erm, okay." I said doubtful. Well, the sooner the better, I guess. All the courage I had gathered this morning seemed to fade away when I looked up at the height of the building. Ok, Mark, you've got this. As soon as I got the harness on, my whole body went numb. I tried to regain my courage but all I could think about was the fear. The fear took control of my whole body and there's nothing I could do. "Hey, man, sit down for a bit. Don't feel rushed, okay? We've got all day, don't worry." Glen said encouraging. Seriously, bless him.

After I had drunk my cup of tea, I felt a lot better. "Okay so we are going to attach a cord to you so you won't fall down." The producer said. I slowly nodded and before I knew it I was standing on the side of a building, facing my worst fear. They handed me my guitar and I started playing like I had never before. The fear had been replaced by courage and I actually felt great.

"That's it, mate. We're done." The producer, Hank, said when I was back on the ground. I felt the adrenaline run through my body. "Wow, I can't believe I just did that!" I said in astonishment. Dan and Glen walked towards me and gave me a brotherly hug. "We're so proud, man. Like I said, I've got so much respect for you right now. I'm sure the fans will love it." Danny said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. "I never knew I had so much courage"

A/N: So this was my entry for round 3: courage. I hope you liked it (: xx R

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