Round 6: Kindness

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A/N: So here we are again! Round 6. Well, I have to say that I found this theme the hardest one yet. I just find it really hard to write an abstract story about kindness. But, I tried so here's my attempt on an abstract story about kindness. I hope you like it. -R


According to the oxford dictionary, kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. And apparently that's what I am. Glen Power. The kind one. The one who cares the most. The one who can't stop smiling. The one who you can't stay mad at for a long time.

Well, Glen Power is done with being 'the kind one'. It's this weird title I 'earned' just for being nice towards others. But Mark and Danny are nice towards others too, right? Yes. So why does everyone keep telling me that I am the kindest of them all? Because I am not. I need to show everyone that I am not the kind one. I can be really unfriendly.

I walk downstairs and go outside. There has to be a way that I can show the world that I'm not a kind person. There has to be. But there's no way that I can do that while I'm sober. I go to the nearest pub and order just the right amount of beer that will make me drunk enough. I know I promised myself to stop drinking but I'm becoming a different person.

"Thank you" I say while I walk outside. No, stop it Glen. No more kindness. No more. I was just on my way to Grafton Street when I saw a man who clearly drank too much. Just like me. This is my chance. I take a deep breath and walk towards him. "Can I help you?" He giggled. I shook my head and before I knew it my hand had connected with his face, causing the man to scream. "Oi man, what are ye doing?" I smirk and walk away. This could be fun. Even if it didn't turn out as I planned, it is dark outside so no one will be able to recognize me anyway.

I walk back home while I replay the events that happened earlier this day. This is going surprisingly well. I never thought I'd be able to punch anyone, but then again I'm still drunk.

"You did what?!" Mark yelled. He clearly wasn't happy with the 'new' Glen. Neither was Danny. Oh well. I don't need them either. "You heard me." I saw Danny clenching his fists. "Glen, you are not yourself. You are drunk. Go to sleep then we'll discuss this tomorrow." Mark said. He attempted to hide his anger but it failed miserably. I smiled and went to my bedroom. See, I can do this. Who's the kind one now, huh? And with that thought I felt my eyelids become heavier and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and saw that Dan and Mark had both gathered in my room. Without permission. "What are you guys doing here?" I moaned. Even though I was drunk, I can still remember everything that happened yesterday very clearly. "We need to talk" Danny said angrily. I sighed. "What is it?"

"What it is?! Damn, Glen. You're acting like an idiot. Why are you being such a dick?" Mark asked. "Because I am done with all the people who always say that I am the kind one. I AM NOT THE KIND ONE!" Dan rolled with his eyes. "Boohoo, poor you. Listen, stop acting like a kid. Let's discuss this like adults. Because, surprise surprise, we are all grown-up men." I hate sarcastic Dan. "Fine."

After 2 hours we finally stopped fighting. We were all lying on the floor. "Never again." Mark moaned. I nodded. "But do you understand me?" I asked. "Yeah fine, go ahead. Go punch people in the face. But don't expect to make friends because you will lose all your loved ones if you continue with this." Danny warned me. I knew he was right, but I'm tired of being kind. "I know." I sighed.

It has been 5 days since our fight and I haven't stopped punching people ever since. In fact, I have made quite a reputation on the street. Surprisingly, it hasn't been in the papers yet. Oh well, all they want to write about is Danny. Not me or Mark. I walked to my usual spot in the bar and drank a few beers. I felt the alcohol entering my body; flowing through my veins. It has become a part of me the past few days. I'm starting to get used to all this. Maybe, in the future, I don't even have to become drunk to punch people. Because, let's be honest, that's pretty pathetic.

"So you're the 'famous' Glen Power?" I turned around and saw a huge man standing in front of me. It's not like he was fat or something, it's just that he has got many big muscles. "Yup" I said. I wasn't scared of him. Well, actually I am very scared of him but I am not going to show him that of course. "You happen to think that you're the boss here, don't ya? Well, news flash: I'm the boss." He said with a challenging look in his eyes. "Congrats." I said in a monotone voice. He clenched his fists and before I knew it he'd already punched me in the face. I think I felt my nose moving but I didn't care. I'll show him who the boss is. Let's imagine that this man is kindness. Think about how much you hate kindness, Glen. And with that thought, I slapped him as hard as I could, causing his nose to bleed. I smirked. "Didn't see that one coming did ya?" I said. He wasn't happy with that so he made a fist and connected it to my face. Wow. That was a hard one. I tried to stand on my feet but I failed miserably. I fell on the ground and everything went black...

"Dad?" I heard a voice saying. I opened my eyes. Where am I? "Dad you're awake!" I looked around me and I saw I was in a hospital. "How did I get here?" I whispered. "You're in the hospital. You had a fight but the other guy hit you too hard so you went knock out. You were asleep for one day." Luke said. I didn't know how to respond to this. Did that really happen? I closed my eyes and suddenly I knew what had happened. Wow. "I'm... I'm sorry Luke."

"Why did you do it, dad?" I was just about to give him an answer when Dan and Mark walked in. "Glen! Are you okay? We just heard about the accident! I can't believe they hadn't called us earlier!" they said in unison. "It's... fine." I mumbled. "So... why did you do it, then?" Luke asked again. "It's very childish but... I wanted to show the world that I'm not that kind person. That I can be very unfriendly." He frowned. "Why?" "Because I hate kind people, I guess. Not anymore, though. I think that punch in the face was just what I needed. Man, what was I thinking?" Luke shook his head. "It's okay, dad. You are kind. That's just what makes you the man who you are. That's what makes you Glen. I love you, dad." He smiled. "Wow, son, how did you get so wise?"

"I don't know." He smirked. "Well I'm glad you're back, man. We've missed you." Danny said. Mark nodded in agreement. "It's good to be kind again" I smiled. And I meant it. I don't know what was wrong with me but there is nothing wrong with kindness. And after all, I think that I am indeed friendly, generous and considerate.

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