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So before you start reading this, I have a few things to say: Yes I have changed my username. It was frambroos before but I felt like a change so yeah :) I also don't really ship Glanny (though I might start shipping them after this) so I've never read any fanfictions about them but I did my best to write a decent story. This story is basically my idea but a friend of mine helped me to make it abstract so thanks Florian ;) I hope you all enjoy reading this! I did my very best :) x


I remember it. I remember everything so well. I wish I could just make myself forget about that night; to just delete my memory from that moment. I walk towards my bedroom and lie down on my bed. my emotions always had control over my whole body and I could feel everything I felt that night all over again. I take a deep breath and start to think about what happened.

I unlock my phone to see it was 1 am and I was wide awake. I just have this... odd feeling in my stomach. I can't really put my finger on it. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but I failed. I suddenly hear my front door open. Someone is coming upstairs. Before I even tried to think of who this person might be, I saw Mark standing in my room. "Hey, man. What are you doing here?" I ask him curiously. I could see that something was very, very wrong.

"I.... Glen... He..."

"What is wrong, Mark?? Tell me!" Mark was panicking.

"I don't know where he is! He told me yesterday that he was... well... he just told me about his emotions and that he was feeling depressed and shit. I thought it was just because of a break up but he said it wasn't. me being slow, I only had figured out what he had been trying to say this evening..." He pauses to take a deep breath and then continues "Danny, I think glen is going to end his life."

There was a long silence. Glen. Glen Power. Glen with the brightest smile of the world. With the softest touch. With his beautiful eyes. I was waiting for Mark to say that he was wrong; to tell me that it was just a very stupid joke. I waited and waited and slowly started to realize that those words were never going to reach my ears because it wasn't a joke. I didn't allow my body to become numb and I immediately knew where I had to go. Glen and I had been talking about suicide a few months ago because I was very depressed by that time. We were talking about, if we would ever come to the point that we would make an end to our own lives, how we would do it. How we would commit suicide. He told me that he would do it at the hill where he'd had his first walk with his then new-born son. I knew exactly where that hill was so I ran as quickly as I could.

I reached the hill without any injuries and saw Glen standing on top of it with something in his hand. That something vaguely looked like a knife.

"GLEN JOSEPH POWER!" I screamed and he quickly turned around. I could now see his full body and saw that his white t-shirt had become red. I lifted it and saw a huge cut at the area near his heart. His face had become white and I knew he hadn't much longer left. I didn't bother to hide the tears.

"Danny" he smiled.

"Glen. Please don't leave me. Why did you do this?? Why? You were always so happy. You always smiled so bright. You... you... you are so perfect. I love you so much, Glen Power. I can't lose you!" There. I said it. Why did he had to be on the edge of dying to make me say it? I have loved him for a long time now and I don't even care anymore if he feels the same way about me.

"What...?" He said quietly. His voice was fading and he was barely able to speak.

"I love you, Glen Joseph Power. Your life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful. You are surrounded by people who care about you. You are way too beautiful to leave this life. Just don't.... don't.... leave me. Not after... not after dad. I can't lose you too!" I sobbed. He placed his hand on my cheek.

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