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Well hello there everyone! (This is so not inspired by Tyler I swear). So round 8 already! Damn, I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far! Well, I hope you like my entry for the theme 'treasure.' -R


"That's it. She doesn't love me anymore. It's over. She broke up with me." Danny said while a tear was rolling down his cheek. "Hey man, you'll be fine. I know a cure for this heartbreak." Mark said with a grin on his face. The lads all knew what he meant. The pub.

It was only 10 am but the men didn't care. Mark and Glen dragged their friend with them and made him drink at least one Guinness. "Damn. That feels better already. I don't need a woman in my life. I am independent." Danny said while taking a sip. Mark and Glen high-fived each other behind Danny's back.

But then, all of a sudden, a lady was standing behind the lads. Not just a normal lady though; she was the most beautiful lady the men had ever seen. And even though Mark's married, he still found the woman very attractive. You can't blame him. Now, let me explain what this pretty lady looked like.

The lady was dressed in a short red dress, and she was wearing matching heels. Her beautiful blue eyes were decorated with a little bit of brown eyeshadow. Her lashes were gracefully curled and her lips were a dark shade of red. Her long brown hair was straightened.

"H-hello" Danny stuttered. She smiled and sat on his lap; receiving a craving look from Glen. Mark decided to ignore the women because he is a married man. "So, do you guys want to go to my place to have a nice adventure?" She said with a flirty tone in her voice. Even though the three Irish men barely knew the woman, they still decided to come with her without hesitating.

"This is it!" she said with a smile on her face. The men didn't seem to get it. They were all looking confused around them. The woman had noticed their confusion. "What is it?"

"Ok well, um.... No offense but.... Your house is a ship. And, well... still no offense but.... it looks like a pirate ship." Glen said. The girl didn't say anything. The only thing she did was smirking at the lads. "Wait... what? Are you a... a pirate?" Danny asked with a smirk on his face. "Well, erm, yes. I'm technically a pirate." The silence was broken by the laughter of Danny, Mark and Glen. "Okay so what kind of bad joke is this? There are no such things as pirates." Mark said, still laughing.

"This ain't a joke." The woman said. Her girly character had suddenly disappeared. She dragged the men with her inside her ship. The first thing she did was taking off her heels and changing into more 'comfortable' clothes: brown shorts and a black tank top. She also removed her makeup, as it was still only 10 in the morning.

"But what's that adventure you talked about?" Glen asked curious. The lady smirked. "Well, we are going to look for the most valuable, yet most dangerous treasure in existence. Isn't that exciting?!" She said enthusiastic. The men looked at each other and nodded. "This is not what I imagine when I hear the word 'pirate.'" Danny said doubtfully. "Don't be such a pussy, singer boy. This will be fun. Oh, by the way, you guys don't even know my name. My name is Elizabeth O'Michael but you may call me Elizabeth." Danny, Mark and Glen still found this situation a bit curious but eventually they decided to join Elizabeth on her journey to find that dangerous treasure.

After 5 days of sailing, the four adventurists arrived at an island. Well, not just any island. This is the island where the treasure is hidden. And, even though they don't like to admit it, the three lads were more than excited. "Alright then, boyband boys, let's do this!"

"We're not a boyb..." Glen said but Elizabeth interrupted him. "I don't care."

They stepped outside the ship and the first thing they saw was sand, sea and palm trees. Palm trees everywhere. Elizabeth grabbed her bag and got a map. "Ok, so this map shows us where we have to go. Let's begin!" She said and their journey had begun...

"Are we nearly there? I am craving alcohol!" Danny moaned. They had been walking for 8 days and they still hadn't found the treasure. "Stop being a pain in the arse, singer boy. I think we are nearly there." Elizabeth said firmly. They were walking through a dark cave and candles were their only source of light. Everything was going perfectly fine until....

"Help!" They heard a voice yelling. It was Glen. "Glen! What is it?" Mark asked. They looked behind them and Glen's foot was stuck somewhere underneath a rock. "Ok, let me help you." Elizabeth said and she walked towards the rock. "Give me a hand, boyband boys." Danny, Mark and Elizabeth lifted the stone and released Glen's foot. "Damn... That really hurt!" Glen said. Elizabeth kneeled down and inspected his foot. "Yup. It's broken." Glen sighed. "Seriously? Damn. Now I can't look for the treasure anymore! Ah, man! That's such a pity! I loved this journey so much!" He said with a sarcastic tone in his voice. "Not so quick, Glen the man. Mark and Danny will take turns to carry you on their back." Danny and Mark moaned. "Ah, really? Come on, Elizabeth. Can't we just stop?" Elizabeth sighed. "Oh, grow a pair, please. Pussies." They continued to walk but suddenly Elizabeth stopped. "Lads. The treasure is here." She said. The men quickly walked towards it and they saw she was right. The treasure was indeed there. "Let's open it!" Mark said, but Elizabeth refused. "No, it's too simple." The lads completely ignored Elizabeth and opened the treasure. And now you are all probably wondering: What's in that treasure then? What is in that oh so dangerous treasure? Well, let me tell you this. The thing in that treasure was so powerful, that the four of them all went mad. They craved that thing so bad that they ended up in a huge fight. And that fight ended up really bad.

"And that's how my dad died."

"But what was in the treasure?"

"Well, little kid. That is for me to know and for you to find out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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